Revealing the Truth

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Thank you guys sooooo much for all the comments,votes, and fans! I really  appreciate it and I love you guys with a burning passion! I'm having a little contest, who ever leaves the best comment (on this chapter only), votes for this story and chappie, and fans me, you can have the next chapter dedicated to you! Good Luck!


Kamiyah: I have a boyfriend!! 

Theres a dead silence (other than the parents) and Kamiyah walks over to the wall and lays against it like she just fucked up big time. And the thing is, she really did fuck up big time...

Daniel: Are you serious right now?

Kamiyah nods her head.

Daniel: Oh shit! Look...I'm sorry alright.

Kamiyah: What am I going to do?

Daniel: Just tell him.

Kamiyah: What?

Daniel: yes, tell him before its too late.

Kamiyah: why?

Daniel: Because If I was him, i would want you to be honest about it instead of hide it.

Kamiyah: But I'm scared....he's going to be soo heart broken...and he just left yesterday on tour...

Daniel: What do you mean by tour?

Kamiyah: Believe it or not...I'm going out with RayRay from Mindless Behavior.

Daniel: Really? Damnn! How do you kno him!!!??

Kamiyah: Its a long story, but he have to figure out how to handle this..i feel soo bad...hes going to hate me...

Daniel: Look, I'll...I'll let you tell him first and then I'll talk and say that I'm sorry and didnt know.

Kamiyah: You think that'll work?

Daniel: God only knows...

Kamiyah: okk....

Kamiyah picks up the phone and calls rayray which is under 'Babbee(insert kissy lips)'.

Daniel: Wow yu would have it under babbee! 

Kamiyah: Really? Not now!

RayRay: Hey babe...*saysn in a raspy voice*

Kamiyah puts the phone on speaker.

Kamiyah: Hey love

RayRay: You know what time it is in London? 1:34 a.m

Kamiyah: Oh sorry did I wake you?

RayRay: Yeah just a little bit. But listen I'll call you back at 7:00 a.m your time ok?

Kamiyah: But babe-

RayRay: Please I have tons of interviews in the morning. I'm sorry babe. Please understand?

Kamiyah: Ok..Good Night..well morning

RayRay: haha Love You bye babe

Kamiyah: Love you too

Hangs up

Kamiyah: This is great! Now I have to go to sleep with this on my mind! I really Fucked up this time.

Daniel: Kamiyah I really want to help you-

Kamiyah: *balls up on the floor* You know what Daniel, I'm really hurt right now and I really messed up. SO it would help if you just left. Just come back at 7 to plead your case.

Lost and Found: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now