What goes around...comes around!

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Let's see how this "Cinnamon" Challenge goes!


Tuesday at Lunch

Team Mindless all meets up at there lunch table that has thier annicials ingraved on the side, near "THE" Fountain.

Kamiyah: Hey guys *pulls out her lunch*

NRT: Hey

Kamiyah: Ok yu kno whats werid?

Raven: What?

Kamiyah: Ok so I went to my locker when the bell rang and Imani came up to me acting all nice. *NRT Gives a confused look* I kno! she asked me if I wanted to have a cinnamon challenge against her 2morrow at lunch. And I was like ok and she walked away.

Nicole: Thats werid.....

Tiara: Yeah she definitly up to something...

Kamiyah: Well, idk...but wht I do kno is that I'm winning the challenge!

Nicole: Ok....


Kamiyah walks home because her mom had a doctor's appointment.

When she gets home-

Valentine's Girl By Mindless Behavior plays as her ringtone and she answers he phone 

RayRay: Hey

Kamiyah: hey whats going on?

RayRay: Nothing...I just wanted to hear your voice

Kamiyah: Aw I wanted to here your voice too

RayRay: SO, about the date is this Friday night good 4 yu?

Kamiyah: Yeah

RayRay: I'ma surprise yu...

Kamiyah: Yay! I love surprises!

RayRay: Good because its really good too!

Kamiyah: Ooo! Can I get a hint?

RayRay: Kamiyah! It wouldnt be a surprise if I told yu!

Kamiyah: Hahaha! Tru that!......can yu help me with my math homework?

RayRay: Okk whats the problem?

Kamiyah: If twenty people in a factory make 43 shoes in [(3)^.5] /2 hours, then how many shoes do they make in an eight hour day?

RayRay: That would b *silent for about 1 minute* 43 shoes / (3)^.5/2= 86 shoes / (3)^.5 per hour because 86/(3)^.5*8= 397.2 , therefore 397 shoes could be made in a day.

Kamiyah: Damn! Your like a freakin' calculator!

RayRay: *fake brag voice* Well I AM at a 12th grade level in math...

Kamiyah: *under her breath* Like I said: a damn calculator!

RayRay: Do you need help with another 1?

Kamiyah: Ummm...10l + 6 < 6 + 30 u =

RayRay: lets see....*solves the problem within 30 seconds and realizes the problem say I <3 u* I love you too <3

Kamiyah: I <3 yu to 

RayRay:Haha...Did yu do that on purpose?

Kamiyah: Maybe....

RayRay: Thats what I like about yu....so spontainious....

Kamiyah: Thanks....alright i need to finish my homework

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