The Clues.....(part 2)

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And the date continues......


Kamiyah: Woaaaahhhhh.........

RayRay: This is how i treat my girl....

Kamiyah: *blushes* 

RayRay grabs Kamiyah's hand and helps her in the hellicopter and they sit down. The pilot hands them the headphones. Kamiyah tries to put them on but her hair got caught around it.

RayRay: let me help yu with that *helps kamiyah*

Kamiyah: Thanks. 

Pilot: Ok ...ready for a beautiful sight to see.....

Kamiyah: *smiles*

RayRay: *kisses Kamiyah's cheek* All 4 yu

They slowly start to move up from the ground and float in the air overlooking Los Angeles. (A/n : By this time its dark an all the lights are shining)

Kamiyah: Wow its so prettty ...

RayRay: Wanna a closer look?

Kamiyah: * looks confused*

RayRay: Aye captain? Bank right.

Pilot: *turns around and put a thumbs up*

The helicopter starts to shift right and lower onto a grassy hill with lit candles outlining a big fuzzy blanket that RayRay had already put there with an old fashioned picnic basket. 

Kamiyah: * :O

RayRay: Wat did I tell yu..?

The pilot lands.

Pilot: Yu have arrived at yur destination.

 Kamiyah and RayRay get out of the helicopter.

RayRay: *turns back at the pilot, winks, and mouths thank you*

Pilot tips his hat showing yur welcome and flies away.

Kamiyah: Wow its soo pretty up here.. *hugs RayRay while saying thank yu*

RayRay: your welcum.. anything for yu.

They both walk over to the blanket , lay back and stargaze.

 3 minutes of pure silence...

Kamiyah: ... I cant belive he went through all of this for me...

RayRay: .....I.....I don't kno how to say this but I've never been in love.....*sits up and looks into Kamiyah's eyes* with someone like you before.....I Know it sounds stupid....but its true...I love you Kamiyah.....

*Thousands of thoughts fills Kamiyah's mind. She thinks bak to De'Sean. She thinks back to this exact day: Febuary 13, 2011. The day before Kamiyah's birthday. They went to an ice skating rink. It was thier 2nd month anniversary. The same day he 1st told Kamiyah he loved her. De'sean was wearing a classic sleeve rolled up hollister shirt, navy blue skinny jeans, white vans, puka shell neckace, and rosery braclets. They wer ice skating and everytime Kamiyah fell he would say "tiiimmmbbeeerrr" and help her up; Kamiyah didnt kno how to ice skate. Kamiyah missied his billion dollar smile. He was a yellow bone, curly haired, black and french dancer that also went to Debbie Allen. He was....perfect.......too.....perfect. He gave his everything to Kamiyah. Love when she needed it the most. Support when she was down. Care when she was sick. She had been sick for 2 weeks and everyday he went to Kamiyah's house afterschool to give her, her homework, give her medicine, and talk to her about how shes feeling. De'Sean gave her his.....everything.Have yu ever exsperienced the moment...when someone is so comitted to yu...? 

Remember Imani? Lets do a thro back thursday, sha'll we? Imani and Kamiyah had been best friends ever since 6th grade as Nicole, Tiara, and Raven had been. THEY used to be THE clique and did everything together. What about Diamond, Asia, and Kiara? Oh they wer frends but didnt hang out as much. But back to Imani. Just 2 months ago...2 months ago....Kamiyah and Imani were in an arquement about how Kamiyah got everything she wanted.Imani was so upset she threatend Kamiyah that she soon wouldn't have everything she wanted. That weekend Nicole, Tiara, Raven, and Kamiyah went to the movie theatre and left behind Imani. When they walked into Theatre #5, BAM! There it was. Imani was making out with De'Sean: the same way it was in her dream about RayRay earlier in the week. Imani showed Kamiyah that she wouldn't have everything she wanted by stealing De'Sean. Kamiyah was heart broken and ever since Kamiyah and Imani hated each other....and De'Sean he was too caught under Imani's "spell" he 4got all about Kamiyah...*

Kamiyah: *snaps out of her thoughts* I....I didnt kno yu ever felt like that Ray....I...I lo-

RayRay: Is everything ok?

Kamiyah:*looks down* y-y-yeah...I'm fine *tear dops onto the blanket* 

RayRay: *grabs Kamiyah onto his arms* Kamiyah...tell me whats wrong?

Kamiyah: I can't......I can't....

RayRay: Yu cant what Kamiyah?

Kamiyah: I can't do this Ray! I Can't do it! *crys harder*

RayRay: What do yu mean yu can't do this?

Kamiyah: I can't say it! Those simple 3 words!

RayRay: I love yu?

Kamiyah: ...yes.....

RayRay: Why? who hurt yu? I promise I wont ever hurt yu! 

Kamiyah:....2 months ago a girl named Imani and I used to b frends until she stole my boyfriend De'Sean....we wer going out for 8 months and Imani and I got into an arquement and to get back at me she took him away ans she knew how much I loved him! *crys in Ray's arms* Thats why! I can't say it to anybody because it brings back those memories....

RayRay: Kamiyah....I kno how yu feel....but I promise yu there isnt not anybody to break us apart. I will love yu forever...I'm yur ....Elmo.....(Elmo voice) hahahaha its Elmo here! And he loves Kamiyah! Hahaha!

Kamiyah: *laughs histarically and sits up* 

Moment of silence....

Kamiyah: *leans in* yu kno what?

RayRay: what? *leans in*

Kamiyah: *leans in more and whispers in RayRay's ear* I love my Elmo....

RayRay: *whispers* oh really?

Kamiyah: *whispers* ....yeah... *nods head*

RayRay: Show me how much....

Kamiyah leans in and slowly makes out with RayRay...RayRay makes the kiss deeper...they keep going for....WHO KNOWS HOW LONG? 

Who-knows-how-long-later- (a/n: still leaned in)

Kamiyah: *whispers* Elmo....

RayRay: *whispers* yeah...

Kamiyah: *whisper* It took too long for me to say I love yu...

RayRay: And it's taken me to long to say this...Will yu go out with me Kamiyah?

Kamiyah: Ummm I dont kno...

RayRay: :o 

Kamiyah: Did I tell yu i was an actress?

RayRay: ......*catches on* playa! *kisses Kamiyah for a long time*

RayRay: I think I found what I was looking for....

Kamiyah: Like a lost and found mindless behavior love story.....


Dang! How many chapters did It take for RayRay and Kamiyah to FINALLY go out?!?! Comment #TeamKayKay if yu love RayRay and Kamiyah's relationship! And woahh der Imani...yu low-life...well at least yu now kno the backstory of De'Sean and Imani! Shout out to KitKatKullen12! Thanks for all the support yu given me! Keep readin' more to come! Now! For all yu Prod, Roc, and Princeton fans, dont worry I didnt 4get abput ya'll! They'll have thier shining moments real soon! #StayMindless 1-4-3  -Ash<3

Lost and Found: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now