Jealous much?

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Heyyyy peeps! Sorry I didnt write last weekend! I had people over so I didnt have time so yeah lets get it goin!!!


9:36 p.m. *same day as the previous chappie!*

Kamiyah gets home and does her homework, eats dinner, and notices a text from RayRay-

Text Convo

RayRay: What it do? 

Kamiyah: Nothin much. Just chillen at the house.

RayRay: Thats whats up! 

Kamiyah: Lol!

RayRay: Your friends are cool and fun to hang out with

Kamiyah: Thanks :) I love em 2 death! And the guys r pretty cool 2!

RayRay: Thanks

Kamiyah: Oh yeah thanks 4 inviting me :)

RayRay: Anytime, Anytime! We should do this again!

Kamiyah: Yeah

RayRay: I mean like just me and yu...<3

Kamiyah: Oh really....<3 That can happen

RayRay: I'll plan it. when do yu wanna hang out?

Kamiyah: Umm..anytime is cool with me

RayRay: Umm...this friday?

Kamiyah: Sure :) I'll tell my mom. But hey I gotta go now ok?

RayRay: Ok Bye. Sweet dreams baby.....<3

Kamiyah: Good Night babe <3

End of Text Convo

Kamiyah goes to sleep just thinking about RayRay......

DREAM MODE....... (A/N: Turn on the song The Ellie Badge by the movie Up soundtrack while reading this)......

Kamiyah thinks: Where am I?

*She walks down a twisted rode with rose pettals sprinkled everywhere at night......theres also christmas lights everywhere...*


*Looks at her outfit. Shes wearing a white flowy strapless dress that has a sparkly leaf stomach belt. Her shoes are silver flats ands her hair is pin straight slowly flowing in the gentle wind.*

*She keeps walking up the rode to the top of a hill.....*


*shes amazed by a beautiful scene over looking the entire city and RayRay a white tux w/ white supras and a white g-shock.*

*She slowly walks over to see him while hes flashing a huge smile at her. Once she finally makes it  over to him he says-*

Kamiyah...when I first saw you I thought.... man shes the one....shes beautiful.....mindless....sweet....funny....and genuine.....I knew you where the one....*sings and snaps to the beat* I wanna make yu the make my days better.....I need you like the sun...wanna make yu the reason for another...2nd to none....wanna make you the one yu b, the one, yu b, the oneee...the oneee I wanna make yu-*pulls out ring* *talks* The ONE! 

*One drop...2.....3..4 5! All the tears that ran down Kamiyahs face*

RayRay: Awww dont cry *wipes away her tears* Come here *hugs Kamiyah tight* I'll never let you go....

*They release from the hug and RayRay grabs her hand and slowly puts a promise ring on her left hand*

Kamiyah: Wow *sucks up tears* Its...beautiful.....*she holds out her hand to admire her promise ring*

*The promise ring had a diamond heart in the middle and on the inside said "I promise to love you....forever -Raquan" *

Then the dream switched to a movie theatre......

Kamiyah's with her friends and they walk into theatre #5 to watch the vow.

BAM! There it is!

Kamiyah's mouth drops open! Her Sprite and popcorn falls to the floor! Water buldgeing out of her eyes as she sprints to the bathroom! (A/N: Like n the how to love by Lil Wayne music video)

Imani was ALL over RayRay! 

Nicole, Tiara, and Raven shocked as ever! 

Nicole: Wait here I'll go get Kamiyah! ......That slut! *runs after Kamiyah into the bathroom*

In the bathroom

Kamiyah is balled up crying into her arms on the bathroom floor!

Nicole: Baby girl? *finds Kamiyah. She tries to rip apart Kamiyahs arms and "un-ball" her.* Baby girl! *gets Kamiyah "un-balled"* Baby girl!?

Kamiyah: *blood shot red eyes* I can't do this anymore! ....Imani already took De'Sean from me!..... and Now RayRay? No! .....*whispers*.....I can't do this! *balls back up and crys*

Nicole: You gotta stay strong! You can't break down everytime she does somthing to yu! Trust me I got yo back! That bitch aint shit! *sings* Bitches aint shit but hoes and trix!

Kamiyah: *lets out a lilttle giggle*  But seriously....she takes EVERYTHING away from me!

Nicole: No she doesn't! She doesn't have a nice house, perfect family, good grades, beauty, and RayRay's heart!

Kamiyah: She does now!!!! *storms out of the bathroom bac to theatre #5*

As she walks in, her friends sit in the aisle across from RayRay and Imani. Imani purposely starts making out with RayRay and playing with his right braid. Imani KNOWS Kamiyah's watching, so she makes the kiss deeper! (btw RayRay doesnt kno Kamiyah's even here!) They stop for a seccond and Imani mouths "Hes MINE!" to Kamiyah. Kamiyah sinks into her seat quietly squealing and turning away.


Kamiyah: *gasp!* Tears running down her face with her hair a mess. It takes her a minute to realize it was all just a dream.* It was just a was just a dream....


Wowzerz!! Ask yourself: Who's De'Sean? Read on my loves...Read on......Let me kno how yu liked this chappie n a comment! Plz!!!!! <3 yu guys! #StayMindless! 1-4-3 -Ash <3

Lost and Found: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now