The Decision Has Been Made

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2 weeks later...

Time goes on and Daniel and Kamiyah become closer and closer like brother and sister. They tell each other thier personal lives and childhoods. They share the times they got in trouble as kids and start to develop a very strong relationship. 

Saturday April 14, 2012 10:30 a.m @ Kamiyah's house (both families are here except fred and sofie)

Kamiyah: Brother!

Daniel: yeah

Kamiyah: Come here

Daniel walks into the bathroom where Kamiyah stands infront of the mirror 

Daniel: sup?

Kamiyah: we have a problem

Daniel: whats yur problem.

Kamiyah: I lost chelsea!

Daniel: Who is Chelsea?

Kamiyah: you dont know who Chelsea is?


Kamiyah: Its my!

Daniel: Wait your talking about makeup?

Kamiyah: *nods her head*

Daniel: How is this a problem?

Kamiyah: Because of this! *points to a tiny pimple on her chin*

Daniel: Really? Are you kidding me?

Kamiyah: I'm dead serious! I gotta find her! Before its too late!

Daniel: You dont need foundation, you need some ProActiv!

Kamiyah: *gasp and hits in his arm* 

Daniel starts cracking up laughing.

Kamiyah: I'm serious!

Daniel: I'm serious too! My moms a makeup artist and she always tells her clients to never cover it up with foundation. It just makes it worse. And besides that thing is the size of a needle point. Calm down.

Kamiyah: *sticks out her tongue at him*

Daniel: Hey Wanna go to the mall with me and my friends today instead of worrying about a pimple?

Kamiyah: how many other guys are going?

Daniel: 2

Kamiyah: umm i dont think thats a great idea...

Daniel: why not?

Kamiyah: cuhs 3 guys..1 just doesnt seem right....i dont think my parents will let me...unless i get one of my frends to go?

Daniel: Yeah sure

Kamiyah: Imma see if my frend Raven can come *Kamiyah texts Raven and she says she's in and she'll meet them there at 11:00.* She can come

Daniel: kay 

Kamiyah: ma im going to the mall with Raven, Daniel, and some of daniels frends

Tyra: Kay just use your card.

Kamiyah: kay

They leave and at 11:00 a.m they arrive and meet up with Raven and Daniels friends Devin and Zak.

Kamiyah: Devin!?

Devin: Oh Hey Kamiyah, yu kno Daniel?

Kamiyah: yeah we live down the hall from each other!

Devin: You moved?

Kamiyah: Yeah but anyway Im so glad to see you I never see you at school anymore.

Lost and Found: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now