Day One- Holding Hands

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Gundham came into the bright hospital room holding a bouquet of flowers. "Kazuichi? Are you here? He asked gently. A pair of pink eyes opened to meet his. 

"Gundham?" The other replied weakly. He had gotten into a fight with Nekomaru, and though his teeth were sharp, his body was frail and weak. He never stood much of a chance. "Yes, Souda. I am right here. I brought you some flowers." Gundham gave a small smile and handed the pink tulips to his boyfriend, sitting in a chair he kept next to the hospital bed. "You know, you don't have to visit me every day, dude..." The mechanic trailed off, causing Gundham to smile.

"I know. I wish to visit you each day, and perhaps use my affection to aid in your recovery." Gundham stated, and Souda shook his head, smiling. "You're a real dork sometimes, you know that?" He blushed. "I am no such thing. I just care for you, foolish mortal!" The breeder countered. "You're definitely a dork. But you're my dork." Souda grinned, and Gundham dropped the argument as Souda took a gentle hold of his hand, running his thumb over Gundham's soft skin, causing him to pull his scarf up a bit to hide the soft blush painting his cheeks. 

"Gundham, can you stay with me until I fall asleep... please?" Souda asked, his eyes begging the man to stay, tightening his grip on the other's hand ever so slightly. Gundham let out a deep laugh.

"Of course, Souda. I shall stay by your side."

And so the two fell asleep together, Gundham in his chair and Souda in his bed, both of them having some much-needed recovery rest, their hands entwined with one another.


Hi everyone! I just wanted to quickly say that I didn't get this idea on my own. I learned about it from my friend  curious_angel, who is also doing this challenge with these nerds (I recommend checking hers out, we both have very different interpretations of each of the prompts and Soudam is gr8) so you guys can thank her for this! That's all for now!

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