Day 13- Eating Icecream

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Warning: Pretty sinful. Nothing like Boku no Pico or anything, but pretty sexual, even without any actual smutt.

"What flavor do you want, Gundham?" Souda asked politely, glancing at the male behind him. Since school had recently let out, and Gundham and Souda were free to do as they please, and they decided to go out for ice cream together.

"I request one mint chocolate chip ice cream cone!" He stated. "Okay, so one chocolate chip cookie dough and one mint chocolate chip." Souda said to the woman at the register.


"So, whaddya wanna do?" The mechanic inquired. Now that they were on break, they honestly didn't have much to do. Sure, Souda would occasionally fix up a car or two for some side cash, and Gundham would take care of his animals, but other than that, there wasn't much on their gay agendas.

Gundham turned for a moment to check on Cham-P, and Souda took the opportunity to steal a lick of his ice cream, dragging his tongue across the surface and catching a few chocolate chips, creating a small dent in his boyfriend's ice cream scoop. Gundham looked at his ice cream, then back at Souda, immediately realizing what the other boy had done, as the mechanic fought back a snicker.

Gundham fought back by going up to Souda, who still had the ice cream in his mouth, and kissing him, slipping his tongue into the boy's mouth without warning. 'That sly bastard...' Souda thought to himself, yet he didn't deny that he enjoyed it as Gundham licked the ice cream out of his mouth, experimenting as he went. The pinkette could still taste his boyfriend's ice cream on his tongue, which now freely explored his mouth, and hell, Souda didn't have a single complaint.

When he was finally satisfied, and sure he had gotten all of the stolen ice cream, Gundham pulled away, smirking. "Dude. You make me want to eat your ice cream more now, you taste fucking amazing." Souda purred. "Well then, I shall not stop you. Be my guest." The breeder stated, his smirk not fading.

And so Souda leaned down, taking another long, almost teasing lick of the mint chocolate chip ice cream that belonged to Gundham, his eyes flickering mischievously. His expression changed to one of feigned innocence as he stared up at the other boy. "Want some, Gundy?" Souda asked sweetly, swiping his pale green tongue over his bottom lip.

And who could say no to that face?


I have literally no excuse for this I'm just a sinner.

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