Day Two- Cuddling

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

A gentle, apprehensive knocking could be heard against the breeder's door, slightly louder than the storm outside. Both angry as to why someone would come visit at this ludicrous hour of the night, and concerned as to why someone was out in such a storm, Gundham opened the front door to his cottage.

Souda stood there, drenched, tears welling in his eyes.

"Souda, are you okay?" Gundham asked worriedly. "I... M-Miss Sonia..." Souda began, before bursting into tears. Now he was truly concerned for the pitiful-looking boy, opening the door wide. "Please, come in and describe to me what happened."


Souda was now sitting in Gundham's living room, still sopping wet, trying to explain what had happened leading up to his visit to the other man. "Basically, I asked Miss Sonia out... and she said yes, too. We agreed to meet up at the diner. So I waited, b-but... she turned me down... and what's worse, I saw her with fucking TERUTERU like an hour earlier!" Souda cried, his voice quivering more and more as he continued. "How long did you wait for her?" Gundham asked of curiosity, causing the other to lower his head and mumble "Five hours."

"Five hours?! That is a complete outrage! Please mortal, at least say that you remembered to take care of yourself during this time!" The other exclaimed. Souda just shook his head meekly. "The Dark Lords would be ashamed of such poor treatment of yourself! You must keep in mind that others truly value you, and they would not wish to see you wasting your time on such a woman, who does not even regard what your personal needs are! Please, go take a shower. You may don one of my outfits, and I shall prepare something for us to feast upon." Gundham stated, genuinely worried about the other's wellbeing. 

Not eating, napping or doing anything else for 5 hours straight?! How could Souda be so blind as to not notice how much Gundham cared about him? How much seeing him in such a desperate, weak state pained the other man?

As Souda was in the shower, Gundham had time to collect his thoughts on the matter. He realized just how arrogant Sonia can be. Her status as a Princess by no means excuses her behavior towards him. How could she not see what she was missing out on? The way Souda followed her around like an adorable little puppy, and put her needs even before his own. Yet she was rude enough to not even pity him? Souda was so kind to her, and she just... threw it all away! He shook his head. 'What a foolish mortal. Perhaps it is a blessing that she does not pursue him, so that I may have him to myself.'  Gundham thought with a smirk. Yes, if she didn't want him, then Souda was to be his.


"Hey Dude. Sorry for freaking out..." Souda mumbled an apology as he returned to Gundham's living room, wearing one of his outfits. The man's heart nearly stopped when he saw how overwhelmingly cute the mechanic looked in his slightly too-large white shirt and oversized purple scarf. "It is completely understandable, Souda. Please, sit down. I know of a show that may calm you down. There is food on the table, I would like for you to eat something. I will return momentarily." Gundham said, leaving for his bedroom.

"This guy must really pity me..." Souda mumbled to himself, taking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and a glass of milk the man had prepared for him. He sat down in front of the TV and looked at the screen out of curiosity. The paused screen read 'Too Cute!' and displayed a picture of a puppy. 'Of course it's one of his animal shows. But I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I mean, he was kind enough to take me in and let me wear his clothes.'  Souda thought. Gundham's clothes felt good against his skin, and smelled like him. Maybe Gundham would let him keep just this one shirt? He just wanted it, dismissing the matter at that. Yeah. Just for comfort.

Gundham returned moments later with a large, purple blanket. He sat down next to Souda and cocooned it around the two of them, Souda's mostly-eaten food now forgotten beside him and outside of their small cocoon, and the breeder's hamsters nuzzling into Souda's lap. As Gundham pressed the play button on the remote, he wrapped his arms around Souda, pulling him close.

"H-Hey! What are you..." The pink-haired man exclaimed, surprised, yet trailing off nonetheless. "You never seem to be given enough affection, Souda. Allow this much at least." The other replied, as Souda began relaxing into the his warm embrace. Who needed the love of some lame girl, when you have a Dark Lord all to yourself?


Hi everyone! This one is a little longer than day one, huh? I pretty much knew what I wanted to do from the beginning on this day. I hope you all enjoyed!

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