Day 25- Gazing Into Eachother's Eyes

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Kid!Soudam AU again nobody can stop me


"I shall capture you!" Gundham cried, skidding to slow down only a bit as he rounded a corner. He was playing tag with his friend Souda in their living room. They were having a rather fun playdate, too! "In your dreams!" The other boy shot back, leaning forward in order to go faster.

Gundham picked up on this mannerism rather quickly, and leaned forward himself in order to accelerate. And it was working well, so he leaned further, feeling a bit majestic as his too-big scarf flailed behind him like a cape. Soon, he was just inches away from his pink-haired friend. 

Just as he reached out to grab Souda, he tripped over his purple scarf and fell, taking the other child down with him, resulting in an accidental straddle stance.

Souda looked up at him, shocked, and seemed to get lost in his eyes. They were so different in color- one a dull, lifeless grey and the other a prominent, vibrant red. His eyes were so... enchanting to the smaller boy. They had moments like this often when they were alone. So close, feeling something strange... it was something neither male could describe well.

Gundham stared back at Souda, completely entranced by the beautiful shade of pink that his small eyes were. 'They're so... beautiful.' He thought to himself. Souda's mouth was wide open and his cheeks were pink. Gundham loved everything about that face.

"You have such... beautiful eyes." The breeder confessed.

"I like yours too."

The boys felt perfectly content like this, just admiring eachother's beautiful eyes.


Idk. I just got this idea randomly, but I really like it! I should make a Kid!Soudam fic sometime.

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