Day 5- Kissing

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Finally, the dismissal bell rang, freeing the students of Hope's Peak from their treacherous classes. Souda bolted from his seat in class, scooping his books into his arms and sprinting out the door. He didn't care much for class, he preferred more hands-on things to boring lectures.

He skidded to a halt at his locker, and noticed a note taped to it. He took it, reading the message over curiously.

"Dearest Mortal,
Please meet me by the fountain 10 minutes after the final bell. There is something I simply must discuss with you.

-Gundham Tanaka"

Gundham? What the hell could he want? Souda frowned, just wanting to go home, maybe build something new out of boredom and take a nap. But, Gundham did seem serious. Was he okay? If anything happened to him, of course Souda would be there for friendly support. He tried to stop thinking so negative. 'Maybe he just wants me to make something for his hamsters, yeah!' The mechanic thought. He'd be happy to make something if need be.

And so, after making sure he looked presentable in the boys' bathroom mirror, Souda walked outside the large school, sitting on the edge of the fountain, swinging his legs absentmindedly as he waited.

Finally, two minutes before they decided to meet, Gundham walked over, checking his phone to make sure he wasn't too early or late. His bicolored eyes appeared to light up as he noticed the cheerful mechanic, waiting loyally. "Hey Gundham!" He exclaimed upon noticing the other boy. "Hello, Kazuichi." The breeder replied, the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. "I am grateful that you actually decided to meet me here. There is something I must discuss with you." He explained, sitting next to Souda, rather close. "Sure! What did you wanna talk about?" He asked, pink eyes flickering with worry at Gundham's seriousness as he tried to keep a lighthearted tone. "I do not know if you will accept my offer, but if you refuse me, I just hope that you shall support me. The last thing I would ever desire is to be shunned by you." Gundham frowned. "Dude, you don't have to worry about that! I'll support you through anything!" Souda gave a reassuring hug, and Gundham looked conflicted between happy and sad as he pulled away. "You say that now..." Gundham muttered under his breath. "So what did you need to say so bad?" Souda tried to ignore the remark.

Without warning, Gundham leaned forward and kissed the other man. Souda was shocked an inexperienced, but he tried to keep up. It wasn't sexual. It wasn't aggressive or unwanted, it was happy, cute and blissful. Gundham pulled away gently, his face cherry-red.

"My sincerest apologies, dear Souda! I just... I could not restrain myself! You looked so adorable and seemed so cheerful, that I... I..." The breeder exclaimed, trying to excuse his actions. "Hey, Gundham. Shut up." Souda said playfully, kissing his cheek.


"That's how your Dad and I met. He was such a shy little nerd back then." The pink-haired man giggled as he finished telling their daughter, Victoria the story she loved to hear so much. "Awww! You should have told him sooner, Father!" Their daughter said. "It wasn't easy, you must comprehend this." Gundham replied and ruffled her black hair. "Well I'm glad you did. You still love eachother, right?" She wanted confirmation. Before Gundham could reply, Souda ran over and kissed him, right on the mouth.

"Eww, Daaaad!" Violet yelled, covering her eyes.
"That's how much we love eachother." Souda grinned.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this one's late, I had a sleepover and couldn't get the writing done there! I hope you enjoy, and I hope it doesn't look too rushed.

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