Day 14: Genderswapped

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Since Gundham and Souda are both guys, I just did gender-bend instead. I let Souda keep her name, and renamed Gundham as Gina. Also,

thnks-fr-th-bnd-trsh I think you'll enjoy this. Just read it.


Souda grinned evilly, realizing the opportunity she currently had. Her girlfriend, Gina was sound asleep on the couch, peaceful as ever, hamsters cuddled up at her side. And sure, she could  be all cute and snuggle up right there with Gina, but she wasn't exactly known for being a girly girl. 

So, Souda left the room, returning just a moment later with her laptop and a speaker. "This is gonna be friggin' awesome..." The girl mumbled, plugging the speaker in, going to youtube and typing into the search bar. She muted the device for just a moment and let a commercial play. Just as the video started, the mechanic turned the volume as high as it could go, and a telltale drum solo began to play, and then...


Gina shot up, yelling in both surprise and anger. Her head whipped in Souda's direction. "whY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT, FOOLISH MORTAL?!" She cried angrily, throwing a couch pillow at Souda. "Son of a bitch, you hit me in the tit!" The pink-haired girl cried in agony. 


"C'mon, Genie baby, forgive meee?" Souda asked sweetly, kissing her angry girlfriend on the cheek. Gina just pouted. The other girl though for a moment, before saying "If you do, I'll make all of your Four Dark Devas their own custom wheels or whatever." The breeder seemed to be swayed by this, finally looking at Souda. "I suppose I shall forgive you, however, I shall only do so if you come and cuddle with me." The raven-haired girl compromised. "Sure thing, babe!" Souda complied, sitting next to Gina and snuggling up to her happily, eventually falling asleep in the other girl's embrace. 


Gina cackled softly to herself, staring at her sleeping girlfriend. "Now, Maga-Z." She whispered to her hamster, who ran and hopped on the space bar of her laptop, which had been set down nearby and plugged into a speaker. Suddenly, the chorus of a song began to blare through the laptop's speakers at full volume.


Souda jolted awake. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, GINA!"


The current word count, including my author's note, is 420 words. I have managed to unleash Souda's inner meme. 

Am I sorry? 

No, no I am not.

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