Day 3- Playing Video Games

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This is a bit of a follow-up to last chapter. It doesn't take place immediately afterward, but moreso a few days later.


"A video game competition? It sounds very fun, let us give it a try!" Sonia exclaimed. We were all sitting in front of the TV in Gundham's cottage, him in the middle and Sonia and I on either side of him. "The victorious one is permitted to choose a command for the one of the inferior mortals to carry out." Gundham stated. "Sure, I guess." I shrugged. "Yes! It sounds like great fun!" Sonia exclaimed. My little encounter had made me closer with Gundham, so spending time with him came a lot easier.

"I'm gonna kick your butts!" Sonia said enthusiastically. "Do not assume such foolish things." Gundham scoffed. The first game was me vs. Sonia, and whoever won that fought Gundham, and then whoever won was the champion, or whatever he'd called it.

My extremely pro strategy? Mashing buttons. I just ran up to her character and hit a bunch of buttons on the controller. I may be good at fixing things, but playing on the things I fixed wasn't something I always did. Of course, Sonia was beating me into the ground, and I was always too slow to counter. "Wow, Kazuichi, I did not expect you to be this bad! You are pressing buttons that are not even useful in the game!" She exclaimed. "Well at least I'm doing something! I dunno how to play this!" I whined meekly, but my character was almost dead.

I saw Gundham smirking out of the corner of my eye. 'Bastard. He's probably worse than me anyway.' I thought, in order to reassure myself. He wasn't such a smug bastard when I came to him a few days ago, in need of comfort, or when I took his shirt home. As much as I tried to convince myself that I hated that entire day, Gundham did make it a lot better.

Just as soon as I decided to refocus on fighting, Sonia won. She cheered happily while I yelled in frustration. Gundham's smirk didn't falter. "Alright! Bring it on, Gundham!" The Princess exclaimed. I was honestly kind of hoping she beat him for seeming so happy at my defeat. Gundham of course chose the most neko-looking character, Sonia picked a more regal-looking one and they started.

I have to say, nobody expected Gundham to be good. But he was. He seemed to know every move and control, even special attacks. Sonia still tried her best, though. She put up a hell of a fight, using the attacks she knew. But Gundham clearly knew more. The match was practically over before it had started, and as much as I hated to admit it, I was pretty impressed by him. "Wow! Gundham, your skill is incredible!" Sonia exclaimed. "I gotta say, you're not half bad." I opinionated. "Thank you two." Gundham replied simply as he defeated Sonia's character.

"I suppose I have lost. What would you like me to do?" Sonia asked, almost eagerly. "Not you, Souda." He corrected. "Oh..?" She said softly. "Stand up, please." Gundham commanded, and I did so, puzzled.

Before I could ask what he wanted or why I had to stand up, my back was against the wall and Gundham's lips were on mine. At first I was surprised, letting out a shocked "MMF!" before I noticed it was just him. His lips were so warm and soft, and I couldn't help but to kiss back. We stayed like that for a bit, before Gundham pulled away, our faces now inches apart. "My apologies, Souda. I simply did not expect your lips to me so intoxicating." He mumbled, only audible between the two of us. 'So this is why he wanted me to lose so badly.' I realized. I just winked at him and smirked, before looking over at Sonia.

Her shocked expression caused me to choke back a laugh. Because she had just now realized that I had someone who could make me happy. I didn't need her.

"So... you two are..." Sonia trailed off, horrified. I thought for a moment before taking Gundham's hand.

"Boyfriends? Yeah, we're boyfriends."


I hope you guys enjoyed! I had lots of fun writing this chapter, I can't wait for tomorrow! <3

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