Day 4- On a Date

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Souda never liked the stares he got each time he went on a date with Gundham.

When they went walking, held hands, kissed or showed any affection towards eachother, people would stop and stare. And it made him uneasy. Sometimes people would even yell homophobic slurs. He knew some people found the idea of two guys together odd or wrong, but he loved Gundham and couldn't change that.

Today, they were out at the zoo on a particularly chilly autumn day, looking at all the animals, Gundham was of course fawning over all of them and reciting useless trivia he had learned while the other teen listened fondly. He was a nerd, but he was a cute nerd. Seeing him so happy and passionate like this made Souda's day ten times better. But it was hard to ignore the biting cold of the wind. "Dude, can we go sometime soon? I'm cold." He whimpered to his boyfriend.

"You are cold? Here, allow me." Gundham said politely, taking off the jacket he always wore and placing it on Souda's shoulders. That's when people started staring. Souda blushed and tried not to act bothered as the two continued walking through the zoo. "Oh? Are you hot now?" The breeder questioned, noticing Souda's blush. "N-No, I'm fine." He reassured. What he wanted more than anything was a good cuddling, but that would only attract more unwanted attention. He felt the other people's stares weighing on him, and it was very unpleasant. He caught a mother and child out of the corner of his eye, the mother covering her son's eyes as they passed. Seeing such a thing made the mechanic growl almost inaudibly.

"You seem tense. Are you absolutely positive that you are not being trailed by any vicious demons?" Souda's boyfriend inquired, placing a hand on his shoulder, concerned and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "It's just-" He mumbled in reply, before getting cut off by a group of cackling boys. "FAGS!" They yelled, and Souda's eyes flickered over to the ground, ashamed. "...That." He stated meekly, tugging at his pink braid self-consciously. Gundham scowled, before letting go of Souda's hand and storming over to the group. The other ignored his pink braid and went to attempting to pull his beanie over his frightened eyes, negative thoughts swirling around his mind.

"Listen here, you foolish mortals. I request that you two leave Souda and I alone, or you shall see hell while alive! And do not act as though you are all straight men, either. Your little clique is exclusive to males, even a fool would know you have likely 'experimented' with each other in the past! At least I am loyal to my lover!" Gundham yelled menacingly. His hamsters peeked out from his scarf, hissing at the boys like snakes. He then returned to Souda's side as the frightened posse scurried off. "Do not worry about them. They may stare all they wish, yet they shall not harm you or myself." He kissed his boyfriend's forehead gently, making sure to mind the beanie. "Thank you, Gundham. I love you." A smile played across Souda's soft pink lips. "I love you too, Souda."

They were finishing up their visit to the zoo when a little girl ran up to the pair, smiling, her mother behind her. She seemed to notice the pair holding hands. "Is he your boyfriend?" The young girl asked Gundham, pointing to Souda. "Yes, he is." Gundham smiled. "He's so adorable!" She squealed. "He is, isn't he? He gets flustered with such ease, it's rather amusing." The breeder chuckled, kissing Souda's cheek and causing him to flush. "Aww, lookit him blush! What's his name?" She asked cheerily. "I am Gundham, and this is Souda." Gundham explained. "Gunhim and Soda! Okay! You two keep being cute, byyyyeee!" She called, her mother laughing as the two left to go look at the birds. "See? Some mortals are tolerable." The raven-haired man grinned.

"You're right. I hope you know, we're having kids someday."
"I'm not opposed to making a child with you~"


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I wrote this early in the morning, so it might be a little messy, but I hope you loved it nonetheless! Also, please remember homophobia is wrong, and staring makes people uneasy. Just let cute boyfriends be cute, and cute girlfriends be cute too!

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