Day 24- Making Up Afterwards

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Hajime was dissatisfied and very upset. Souda had called him, sobbing into the phone as he explained that he had lied to Gundham during an argument and offended him. He needed to get the two back together, because he knew that:

1. Souda would be severely depressed without Gundham.

2. Souda would be annoying him and Komaeda now that he had a lot of time on his hands.

3. That would therefore give him and Komaeda less time to do... things alone.

So he had devised a plan, which involved Souda, Gundham, Komaeda, and a tree.


Souda was thinking about the day he and Gundham got together. The way he forced a charming smile at the breeder's door. One that became real. Gundham, even if they'd had quarrels in the past, made him happy. Even if he could see him, just for a little, it would make his day so much better. They had watched movies, and started talking... and it had slipped out. He had told Gundham that he loved him.

He thought Gundham loved him too. Or... was it just pity?

Souda bit down on his arm at the thought, trying to distract himself from the idea, but he knew, in the very back of his head, that it was very possible. Gundham may have just pitied the poor boy.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring, and the caller ID "Annoying Gay Bagel" appeared on the screen. Why would Komaeda be calling now?!

"Yes?" He asked impatiently. He didn't really like Komaeda, he thought he was weird, but at least it was something to take his mind off of Gundham. "I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the park. The one with the beautiful cherry blossom trees? I'd like to meet you there." You could hear the smirk in his voice. Souda groaned internally, but hey, it was something.

"Okay, I'll meet you there." The teen commented reluctantly. Anything to clear his thoughts of the shy, beautiful animal breeder that refused to stop haunting him. He loved Gundham so much, but he knew, with such a bluff like that, he could never win him back.


Gundham groaned as Hajime dragged him outside. He hadn't left his home since he'd returned from ditching Souda. He hadn't even gone to take the Devas out for walks. "At least explain to me where we are going!" The breeder declared. "We're going to the park. The one with all of the cherry blossom trees. You need fresh air, Gundham." Hajime explained, his ahoge bouncing as he walked.

Souda sat with Komaeda under the cherry blossom tree, being sort of awkwardly silent. Komaeda glanced off into the distance, before standing abruptly. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." The lucky student excused himself. Now it was just Souda, alone under a tree. 

Suddenly, Hajime came up to the tree, followed by Gundham. Souda gasped. 

"Listen, you two. You need to talk. You had an argument, yes, but you should just... try talking. Please." Hajime begged. "...Fine. We shall try." Gundham frowned. Secretly, he was happy. Any interaction with Souda, even if it was negative, made his day better. Just seeing Souda's adorable little face and talking to him.

So Hajime stepped back, joining Komaeda in a nearby bush. They couldn't hear what exactly was said, but there was crying and hugging, and soon, gentle kisses, which began to get more heated. But, the Lucky Student and Reserve Course Student decided to leave, and do some making out of their own.

And even now, what was said between Souda and Gundham remains a secret...

A secret between lovers.


I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. I'm at a sleepover and everyone's asleep and it's late (11:48 as of now, but I did make it in today) and I literally just managed to get this done oops.

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