Chapter 1: The Last Of Us

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(The song should be to the right. Now is the time to play it if you want.)
~A.N 9/29/14: Hey guys! I just wanted to mention I actually rewrote this chapter! It would mean a lot if you went and read it and then on that part told me which version you like better. I might go and rewrite some more chapters later but I would love if you went and read my rewrite! Its in my book "Little Arms". (I cant put a link cause im on my phone atm sorry DX) ~TLex<3~

As I threw my black cap in the air with the over 400 other teenagers surrounding me, I felt my eyes water up and slightly overflow. I look around at everyone cheering, hugging, and some even kissing, all of whom would not miss their four years in this place that I personally had grown to love. I saw friends who had graduated years ago back to see us take similar steps, and I saw the face of my first true love, smiling like the goofball he was. We briefly made eye contact, an action usually only made during class, and for the first time in years genuinely smiled at each other, as if to say "good luck". I knew I'd never see him again and I was okay with that because there were always more fish in the sea. My best friend jumped me and squealed in my ear at the excitement of a new start for us all. She was going to LSU and I would be staying here in Texas, she to be a psychologist and I to be an animator. Promises to each other to stay in touch were made way before this year had even started and we knew that the future had good plans for us individually and together.

Everyone I knew came and surrounded us in the biggest group I'd ever had and the biggest group picture since my 16th birthday. My mother took the photo and tears of joy fell from all my family there, including my two younger brothers who still had several years before it was their turn.

It had been a crazy four years but it was fun in the long run. Drama filled every year whether it was boy trouble or friends who turned on me and stabbed me behind my back. But those who had stuck with me through it all and were there today were the only ones I paid attention to. A new beginning was going to start the coming fall and it would mean new everything. I could start over the life I had lived up to now and make sure my college life would not be filled with such childish rubbish. Haha rubbish. I guess I still had a ways to go before I was mature enough to be called a "young adult". Of course I still consider 18 and 19 teen years and not adult years.

"Lexi, don't forget to be here in time for San japan! Jasmine you too!" my friend Savannah (Savvy) mentioned as our group walked away from the stadium and to our cars. "It'll be our last outing before you guys leave."

"Savvy I won't be in Huntsville until the weekend before my term starts," I replied.

"Yeah I'm leaving right after the convention. So don't forget my birthday dinner!" Jasmine joked. It was true though, we were going to the anime con to celebrate this fantastic girl's birthday before we all left for good.

"Hey we'll talk more about it tonight guys. I didn't get sleep last night and I gotta go home," I told the entire gang. Christina shyly waved bye before climbing into her parents' car, and the same went for Savvy, Jasmine, James, Fish, Lizzy, and just about everyone I had become friends with during my time in high school.

I watched my neighborhood pass by through the window while we rode the short 5 minutes to our home, where I had spent the past 13 years of my life, to pack away clothes and essentials for the summer trip we were going to be taking soon. But before I did that, I had to check one thing.

Once we were inside the house and my parents had stopped mushing me with love and praise, I retreated to my bedroom. The pink and purple walls, a young girl's dream paint job, covered in nothing less than over 100 pictures and posters of various movies, bands, art, and such welcomed me into my little den I had transformed into me. I jumped onto my bed I had made just two hours earlier and turned on my laptop I had just gotten that christmas. I took off my robe and cap and sat in my black tank and jeans, boots kicked off to the carpeted floor. I opened up one of my favorite websites, hoping for something new from my favorite user on there. And sure enough, there was one. It was a bit early for a new upload from him, but then again he was an hour ahead of me, living several states away. I eagerly plugged in my headphones and waited for the new video to load.

"Hello everyone! My name is Markiplier..." I said with him like I did with every video. I smiled like an idiot as I watched him play another indie horror game that almost made him cry and laughed maniacally as he freaked out and screamed when the biggest jumpscares happened. The 15 minute video gave me the boost I needed to last the rest of the day with hope that the next video uploaded would be just as great. I unlocked my phone and gently kissed the screen where Mark 's picture resided as my background and smiled as I just looked at his smile brightened my mood. I then locked it once again and got back to packing.

~Later that evening~

"Congrats to the class of 2014!" Everyone at our party table clinked our drinks with each other, some of the adults having beer while the rest of us either had sodas or water. The sounds of kids running around playing games to win prizes, bowling, and even lazer tag mixed with our own conversations, making it a bit difficult to talk about all our plans for the coming conventions my friends and I were planning to go to. San Japan was in August, which we had already booked, and there was still Comic Con and Ikkicon to think about.

"For Comic Con, we HAVE to dress up! I think it'd be so fun!"

"No way, it's hard enough just walking around there trying to get to everything. There's no way we can do that in costumes."

"But if they're simple enough, would that work?"

"I don't know!" I was trying to convince the gang to dress up as Invader Zim characters for Comic Con, but no one was really going to it.

"Well you guys suck. I'm dressing up and I don't care if you guys join or not anymore!" We all had a good laugh and enjoyed the rest of the night. Savvy and I played our favorite pirate game, we all did lazer tag, and I even got Jasmine scared at a 3D horror shooting game. In the end, the graduation party was a blast.

"Make sure to visit every now and then, okay?" Savvy told us. While she was taller than most of us, she was still younger and wouldn't be graduating until next year, leaving her alone with other underclassmen who weren't as great as our group of nerds was. More tears were shed as the last of us who stood outside of Main Event group-hugged. One more group photo, and it was off to our individual homes.

I got home that night and pretended to go to bed before I turned off my lights and turned my tablet on, lowering the brightness as far as it could and plugging my headphones in again. The last Markiplier video was up and I smiled once again, looking at the title "Drunk Minecraft". For 35 minutes, I was able to forget the fact that I was growing up, becoming older, and becoming less of the innocent child I used to be. Instead, I watched as a tipsy Mark, Wade, and Bob ran around trying (and failing) to build a house, or a canon shaped like a you-know-what, or killing Wade over and over again. In my own surprise, I fell asleep the second the video ended, and if I had a dream that night, I didn't remember.

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now