Chapter 21: The Break-Up

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So the next day we recorded a video to the fans about us. We told them almost everything; how we met, how Mark visited me when I was still in Texas, how we had a fight then made up (but not what the fight was about or why we made up), how I had basically moved to Cincinnati and us going out during that time, then me going back home and us officially getting together over the phone, and now I was officially living with him. I wasn't sure how the fans would react. Mark said that there would be a few angry and sad fans, but that if they were truly fans that they would be supportive.

That "few" became more than half of the entire Markiplier fanbase, and 80% of mine. Mark didn't lose too many subscribers, only a few hundred which still kept him over five million. But me? That percentage was the percentage I lost. I went from having a little over two thousand to only about four hundred and much more hate on my videos and other social media than Mark got. And you know why? Because he was much more popular than I was and in this world the underdog gets blamed for everything. It's a dog eat dog world and I'm getting eaten alive by dead hordes of fans that were never really mine to begin with.

We were sitting at the dinner table one night, eating grilled cheese sandwiches, when I got another email notification.

"Just ignore it, dear. You know it's just another angry fan."

"Yeah, I know." I was still curious as to what it would say though. Would it be another stupid death threat? I've gotten a couple of those. It was most likely some 15 year-old teenager saying I wasn't good enough for him. Like what, you are?! I pretended to check Twitter as I opened the email.

Dear T-Lex, or whatever your real name is.
     I don't think you're good enough for Mark. I know you probably get that a lot, but it's the truth. The fact that you two got together after a fight is complete garbage. People should not be together if they fight constantly, which I'm sure you guys do. You're probably the one who starts them too, aren't you? Well I have more to say.
    You are trash. You think that dating some super awesome popular YouTuber will make you famous? You think, that by dating Mark you'll get more subscribers? More fans? More love? Well you're wrong! You're just losing it all! I used to be your fan. Mark would speak highly about you before you two started dating, but after hearing the story between you two, I don't think you're worth the time. You guys fight for whatever reason and you think by coming back that Mark will forgive you? Well, not to be mean to Mark (but definitely to you) I think he made a mistake by doing just that. What happened in the time you two weren't speaking? Fucking other guys? Yeah, I thought so. You're such a whore.
    Why else would you go back to him? Because all the guys in Texas knew what a slut you were and wouldn't give you a second glance. Mark is too innocent and sweet to see that in you obviously, but the rest of us see it. We see the evil inside your soul. You aren't a good person and you know it. While you're living with Mark, fucking him senseless, you're probably cheating on him and he doesn't suspect a thing because he claims to love you. Love YOU?! And you "love" him? You were born with no love. You were born without a proper soul and no heart to give to anyone but your selfish self. You are a greedy, selfish, hateful, decieving person. You aren't even worthy of being called a human being.
    I swear to God that if I ever meet you, even if it's on the streets in front of a million people including police officers, I will rip your fucking throat out and slice you down the middle and feed your insides to my dog, who also hates you. For the animals? Yeah right. You'd eat my dog in a second wouldn't you? I'm surprised you haven't beaten Mark's dog to death yet.
    You are a disgusting piece of trash and I hope you die. I have never hated anyone as much as I hate you.
From, your ex-fan.

P.S. When you do finally die, and I hope it's by my hands, I will gladly dance on your grave.

I set my phone down, trying not to be seem phased by the worst e-mail I had gotten yet. I just picked at my sandwich and kept my head down so Mark could not see the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now