Chapter 10: Art and Death

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(Play the music now!)

"You left this in my room yesterday. I thought you'd probably want it back." I was on my way out when I remembered I still had to give back Mark's shirt. "I washed it this morning too so it’s fresh and clean."

"Did I smell yesterday or something?" he said jokingly.

"No not at all. You smelled nice. I just thought you'd want a clean shirt! Is that too much?" I actually spent all night cuddling with it and didn’t want it to smell like dorm room. He chuckled a bit as he took his shirt gratefully from my hands.

"You sure you have to leave so soon?"

"Yeah. I actually have some things to do for class so I want to get it done tonight." He nodded his head with big puppy eyes and looked down.

"Okaaaay. What about tomorrow?"

"Well I was going to go to Hobby Lobby and pick up some markers and pencil lead. You wanna come?" His face became full of glee and he said yes. "Cool. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then? Around the same time as today?"

"Sure." He pulled me into a bear hug and didn't let go. He smelled good, a smell I had begun to associate with him and him only. More comforting than citrus or cigarette smoke (don't judge me I've always liked the smell!). My new favorite thing in the whole world.

"You're squishing me Mark! I can't breathe!" I hit his back and we both laughed like maniacs until he let me go and held my hands. I never paid attention to his hands until now, but they were much larger than mine and even softer. I mean I was always told I had soft hands but compared to his they were dry as a desert. "I thought you said you'd never let that happen again," I joked, remembering what he had said last night about the kiss. He seemed to remember too and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, his other hand firmly gripping mine. "I'm glad you broke that promise." I couldn't believe what I was saying! I was telling him I liked him kissing me even though I knew it shouldn't happen. But I wanted it so badly, to kiss him day and night pressed against his body wrapped in his warmth forever. I wanted nothing more than for us to run away from everything together and forget about society as a whole, living in our own world. I felt invincible, alive when I was with him. Infinite, to quote one of my favorite movies. I could only wish he felt the same.

"Yeah?" His face was going red and he looked down. I let go of his hand and held his face to look at me again.

"Yeah." Since when was I so brave? I leaned forward and gently kissed him again, just for a moment. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Now he was the speechless one, staring at me with wide eyes and pink cheeks. He gave a shy smile and nodded again. I kissed his cheek one last time before making my way out.

~Mark's P.O.V.~

Holy scheise! I can't believe I just made out with her! God she was a great kisser. She's obviously had some experience in that field, but then so have I. Is it wrong to think of Lexi like this? Her big dark eyes, full lips, long soft hair, and her hands! God I could just hold them forever.

Get yourself together Mark! You can't do this! Not again. You've had your heart broken before, badly I might add, and you aren't ready to get back in the game! Not yet. You don't want to hurt anyone again. Especially not Alexis.

But why do I feel the need to be with her constantly? Why is it that when I do kiss her, or hold her, it feels more right than anyone else I've done that with? Why do I feel like I can't live without her?

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now