Chapter 18: Panic Attack

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Mark's mom came into the room soon after my hugging fit with him and sat in the easy chair diagonally across from where we sat. She tapped her fingers on the arms while she watched us watching her.

"So, mom, uh, is there anything you wanted to-" But she cut him off before he could finish, holding up her small and pointed hand. Then she turned slightly to look right at me and curled her forefinger, telling me to come over to her. With my new locket still gripped in my hands, I slowly stood up and walked over to the older woman who shouldn't've been intimidating me as much as she was!

"Let me see the necklace." How did she know about it? But I handed it to her anyway, letting it slip gently from my fingers to hers. She looked at it, turning it in her slightly wrinkled hands and opening it to see the picture of mine and Mark's first picture together. His arm was around mine and the position was a bit tilted so the sun wouldn't cause a glare. He had a smile on his face I had come to love, one that was real and not forced like the one he was making for his birth mother right now.

"If you hurt my son," she started. "I will never forgive you." She didn't smile at me, but made me turn around so she could have the honors of clasping it around my neck.

"I won't," I said as I turned back around to genuinely smile. "I promise." I planned to keep that promise for a long time.


We got home late. Around 11pm I think. We had stayed at Mark's mom's house for a long time after, playing board games and telling her the story of how we met and how we initially got together. (Not including the fiasco involving a kitchen knife and a mistaken love affair.) I so badly wanted to ask about our "boyfriend-girlfriend" situation, but at the same time I didn't. It it turned out that he just said that for his mother's benefit, then what did that really make me?

I waved it off for the time being. We were tired from the long day of trying to make his family like me, which in the end they did thank gawd! I think that talk could wait a little while. For now, all I wanted to do was cuddle up with him and sleep the night away.

"Hey Lex?" I sat up in bed to get a good look at Mark who had just changed into his own nighttime clothes, a t-shirt and boxers. "Can I talk to you about tonight?" Oh fuck me! Why?!

"Um, okay sure. I thought it went pretty well but-"

"Not about that. My mom approves of you for now, don't worry."

"Well now I'm worrying since you said 'for now.'"

"That's not what I mean." He sat in front of me on the bed just large enough for us both and took my hands in his. He fumbled with our fingers for a while, just staring at them. "I-"

"Mark wait!" He looked up, startled obviously, and waited for me to talk again. "Can this wait until morning?"

"Alexis, it's really important."

"I know, but, can we at least end this day as perfect as possible? I don't know if when we talk it'll end up in us splitting up or staying together, but I want at least one more night with a certainty that we are together right now. Just one more night." He still held my hands and glanced down to the locket he had given me just a few hours prior. Then he went back to my eyes and smiled sadly.

"Okay." He let go of my hands and tackled me back onto the bed, laughing like maniacs!

I don't know how long we lay there, just enjoying each other's company. I do know, that while he was playing with my messy stringy hair, kissing the top of my head every now and then, I fell asleep clung onto him as much as I could.

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