Chapter 9: Error #53

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~Mark's P.O.V.~

What the hell was I thinking?! I just...I just couldn't help myself anymore. She looked so beautiful and innocent, like she'd never been in a situation like that before. How could she not have though? She's too wonderful to not have a million other guys after her. I just wish I could've kissed her longer.

No! Holy hell I had to stop thinking about it! I couldn't fall for her. There's no way. I'll make myself stop. Stop thinking about her dark curious eyes and long faded purple hair. Wow, even though it had lost most of its color and all the bleach was showing I couldn't help but want to run my hands through it repeatedly. Not in a creepy way but just....awe scheise! No! Bad Mark!

It's wrong to think of her this way. I'd definitely hurt her sooner or later. And she was so young! She's not even 20 yet. How could I bring myself to even try to date her? I mean, she acted more mature than a typical 18 year old but still. If I did date her, and ended up bringing her to meet my moms, how would they react? I don't think my step mom would mind much, since she had a more open mind, but my real mom? God, she'd just flip out and kick her out of the house! And besides, there's no way she'd ever go out with me in the first place!

What was I thinking? Just kissing her like that? Man, I probably scared her off! Her eyes had been huge when I pulled away. And that poor excuse for it too! God dammit I'm hopeless!

I walked back to the group of students who were wondering what to do now. Some had flashlights and were trying to flick the light on. Like flipping the switch up and down would turn it on. Hee hee, turn on. No! Bad Mark!

We heard screeching down the hall as Lindsay ran down the hall from the room she'd been in and shoved Lexi out of the way as she screamed "YOU LEECH" and slammed the room's door shut. Everybody just stared down the hall while the guy whose number I traded with whimpered into the lounge and curled up into a ball in the corner.

Everything went back to (almost) normal. The lights were still out and more and more people left as the minutes ticked away and the power wasn't back. No music, TV, or really anything to make this party as pounding as it was before. By 11 o'clock everybody but the dorm occupants had left, and even they were starting to retreat to their own rooms. Lexi hadn't even looked at me the rest of the time we were there. The party had pretty much ended by then, anyway, so I said bye to the group I had been talking to and started to walk out of the building to my car.

I was out the door and down the steps before I heard footsteps behind me.

"Mark wait!" I turned around to see Lexi panting and wrapping herself in her jacket, an umbrella in her hand. "I'll walk with you." She ran down the steps and opened her umbrella to cover us both.

We walked in silence. I had parked closer to the student square where I first met up with her today and it was a ways from her dorm building. The campus wasn't the largest I'd ever been to, but it definitely wasn't small! It took a good half hour to walk down to the parking lot. It would've taken less if it hadn't been storming though.

We were about half way there and I looked down to her, holding the umbrella high so it would cover my head. She was getting soaked, the umbrella not covering her as much. And she was shivering. I didn't think before I acted and took the umbrella from her hand, covered us both equally and put my arm around her, hoping she could warm up soon.

"I thought you liked the cold," I asked.

"Of course I do. But not when it's freezing my face off with ice pellets!" She put her other arm around my back and huddled closer to me. Why wasn't she wearing warmer clothing?

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now