Chapter 7: Inwards

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(Play the song now!)

At the request of my guest, after showing him all my drawings, I packed up my bag and led him to my dorm building. He carried my board all the way there, even though I offered to carry it myself. That thing can get heavy after a while too, but Mark never showed struggle. Either he was showing off or actually was as strong as he joked about!

We reached the hall and I paused before opening the doors.

"When we go in the hall watch is going to jump on us since this is an all-female hall. And I'm pretty sure you aren't a girl!"

"Haha very funny. So what do we do?"

"I'm just letting you know. I just have to say that you're with me and we'll be fine." With that, I opened the door and we walked in.

"I need to see your card miss. Who is this man with you today?"

"He's my friend. He's visiting for the weekend and I'm showing him around a bit," I told the watch girl as I handed her my student card. She scanned it and then got out a stamp.

"Hold out your hand, sir." Mark held out his fist and the girl stamped it. "This is so we know you aren't a student and are visiting. There are some facilities that you will not be allowed in on campus. You are also not permitted to go into the dorm rooms at any time."

"But what if I say it’s okay for him to go into mine?"

"Your roommate must also say it’s all right."

"But she isn't here right now. Wouldn't it be okay if we just-"

"If you can call or text her and get the okay, and either let me hear or see the call or text, then you will have permission." I nodded, but in a sarcastic fashion because there was no way that Lindsay would ever take my call or reply to one of my texts.

"Sorry Mark. My roommate's out right now and we don't get along so there's no way to get you past the front rooms."

But Mark was shaking his head with a sly smile on his face. He gently pushed me aside and leaned onto the tabletop.

"Listen, ma'am," he said in a sultry voice. "I came here from Ohio, and I would love to see this beautiful building for all it is." The lady finally looked at him and her whole expression changed. If she wasn't trying to be professional, the whole office would've been filled to the rim with drool. It just killed me I couldn't see his face! "I'm sure a woman as pretty as you would understand." After staring for a few moments more, the lady reached underneath and brought out a box of baby wipes. She took Mark's hand with the stamp and wiped it clean off.

"Take this day card. You can go anywhere during the day but at night you need special permission. You didn't get this from me." She winked at him and went back to filing useless papers.

"See what a little sweet-talking can do?" he whispered in my ear as we walked towards the right hallway.

"Oh so what? You're a handsome guy. Of course you're gonna be able to manipulate girls the way you want them to!" I said as we started to walk the stairs to the top floor. 

"So you think I'm handsome do you?" he smirked.

"Way more than most guys here. But in retrospect yes. You are."

"And I can manipulate girls how I want? Any way?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I said while unlocking my dorm door. "Here we are! Home sweet home. For now." We walked inside and I gave him the grand tour. "Over here is my side. Bed, desk, mini fridge, TV, decor, all that. Over there is my roommate Lindsay's side. Same items only different brands and colors." Though I don't think I had to show him which side was whose. One half was all pinks and pastels while one side was darker in color scheme. Her side had posters of guys whose thing was this close to showing and mine had indie bands and pictures with my friends. Though it was surprising that she didn't have pictures plastered with her friends, I could understand because she's nobody's real friend to be honest. "Bathroom is right there and we share with the girls on the other side. They're pretty cool though. Some like to follow around in Lindsay's footprints but mainly everyone here is nice to each other."

Mark walked around the small room and admired the pictures on my side. He looked at looked at just about everything and looked like he had some questions when he turned back around.

"Why don't you guys only have one of some things?" Right on the ball! "You both have a tv and a mini fridge. That's very strange."

"Well," I started as I sat down on my bed. "When we first moved in, it was an instant distaste for each other. I tried being nice and offering my help, but Lindsay would always say how she 'doesn't want a freak like me to interact with her.'" I shrugged my shoulders and looked to my photos of my friends. "All the real people you see on the walls are the only real friends I have. They're all in different parts of the country though. My best friend went to LSU and another good friend went to New York. Most of my other friends are somewhere in Texas or still at my high school. I miss them, but a couple people here are nice enough to me so I'm not too lonely. Lindsay doesn't come here often anyway. She's usually at one of the guys' dorms doing the nasty or the mall maxing out her dad's credit cards." I just shook my head and laughed once, glad that I wasn't a bad person. Anymore at least.

"It's not good to talk bad about others. It'll come back to bite you one day if you aren't careful."

"Yeah I know. I'm just trying to warn you so she doesn't get to you." I smiled sheepishly and jumped up from my bed. "So! What do you wanna do? Your call!" He seemed a little taken aback as I asked him what he wanted to do.

"Well, uh, what's there to do around here?"

"Not much I'm afraid." He nodded and looked around, a little lost. Then I got a crazy yet brilliant idea! "Let's have a party!"

"Excuse me?"

"You know a party. A gathering of people to have fun together."

"I know what a party is, Lex," he chuckled.

"Well I think it'd be fun. I'll ask some of my buds to come and to bring one or two friends of theirs. We can have it out here in the lounge on this floor!" Mark pondered for a little while, playfully stroking his chin, before grinning and nodding his head.

"Sure. Let's do this! It'll be fun to meet some other people."

I squealed and gave him a quick hug before whipping out my phone.

"Just so you know, I'm not the kind to throw a party just cause."

"Me neither," Mark smirked.

Author's Note:

WOW!! Thank you so much for all the love for "Poof"! It was a really shaky start with only 11 reads (most of them being mine somehow) and now there's almost 60 with more votes than any of my other stories! I can't thank you all enough! Some crazy stuff is going to happen soon as well so get ready! Seeing all the love makes me want to keep writing until I'm blind. But of course I can't do that! Thank you so much and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

-TLex ♥

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now