Chapter 27: End Of The Line

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It's been a few weeks since the concert. I'm still living with Mark and we are happier than we've ever been. I was doing well my job I got a few weeks after I started staying with him over the summer, and even got a raise! The craziness of our relationship status died down a lot and I got most of my subscribers back. I still got hate mail, but I was stronger now, and I deleted them without a second thought. And, yes, there was more fun since the night before the concert.

I felt good. I was finally in a stable relationship with someone I truly loved and could stand for all his imperfections, which in my eyes were very little. His weird faces? Not a problem, because I made them right back at him. His constant YouTubing? It was his job! I can't complain about him doing something he loves. His constant video gaming? Played along with him. And on nights where we had nothing to do, we'd laze around and watch TV or movies. The few days we did go out, he behaved like a complete gentleman and treated me how I wished every guy would treat their girl.

I was blasting music one afternoon, waiting for my latest video to upload, when Mark popped in and started dancing to the song as crazily as he could while sticking to the beat.

"What the hell are you doing, you idiot!" I laughed as I walked over to him.

"I'm dancing! Dance with me, Dino!" He took my hands and started twirling me around.

"Stop it! Mark!" I screamed. I was laughing though. This was my life now and I could not ask for anything else. Even when the song changed, we were still dancing wildly and got even crazier once my video was finished.

"Man," Mark said, out of breath. "We can really get crazy."

"Y-yeah I-I know," I breathed back. "I feel sick! Let's not...not do that again." I panted, leaning over, my hands on my knees.

"You gonna be okay?" He looked concerned, but I didn't want to worry him.

"Y-yeah I think." But I felt really sick. Like, really. "Probably not!" I ran to the bathroom and held my hair back, heaving into the toilet.

"Lex! Are you okay?!" Mark sat down next to me, holding my hair for me, rubbing my back like a good boyfriend. I wanted to thank him, but I was too busy being sick to barely take a breather. "Awe Dino." I don't know how long I was there. Not a long time, but it was a good ten minutes at least, puking then waiting to see if my stomach would settle, then it saying "nope" and continuing to make me sick.

Once I was sure I was done, I brushed my teeth and went to lay on the couch. Mark sat next to me and stroked my head.

"I didn't think dancing would make you that sick."

"Me neither. It could've been something I ate last night."

"You think the chicken was bad?"

"I dunno. You ate it though, and you aren't sick."

"True. Maybe you caught a bug?"

"It's April! No way is a stomach virus going to be floating around this time of year."

"You're right." I rested my head in his lap and closed my eyes, trying not to think of the sickness I still somewhat felt. "Do you not want to go to dinner tonight?"

"I want to go! I just don't want to ruin it for everybody." We were going to go out for dinner with Wade and Molly tonight. They would be out of town for my birthday, which was coming up, so they wanted to do something for me tonight. Even though I kept saying they didn't have to, they insisted. "I'm sure I'll be better by then, but I get sick one more time today then we'll have to reschedule. Is that okay?"

"Sure thing babe." He kissed the top of my head gently. "I want you to go get some rest now. If we're going to go out, you need all your energy for it." I was still a little shaky, so he walked me to the bed and bundled me up in all the blankets he could find. I wasn't cold, I didn't have a fever for that matter, but he wanted me to be comfy cozy and warm. "I have to run some errands today. You gonna be okay without me?" I nodded my head and he kissed me once before heading out. I looked over to the clock and it said 1:30. We'd be going out around eight, so Mark would probably be back around five, depending on what errands it was he needed to make.

Then *Poof* You Were There: A Markiplier fiction #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now