Cousin Verin

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Chapter Four.

Then there was a knock at the door, and we were all quiet. "Come in", Salina said, the door opened gracefully, and walking in came Verin. Suddenly the room was dead silent. "I can't see, who is it?", Roxanne played dumb, even though we were slightly positioned in the chair to see who was walking through the door, her maid on que helped with the situation, and stood in front of her so she did have a reason not o see. "It is me dear cousin, Verin", He said with a slick smile, Verin thought of himself charming, but he was not, he was simply creepy, and sick looking. He always had his puffy hair slicked back like a neatly combed bush.

He had light, light green eyes, that were outlined with black around the iris. And his face was lean, and curvey, it was very speciffic with its bone structure, it was all over the place, and that added to his creepy figure. "Oh, Verin how good to see you", I said, I looked up pretending to be focused on what Coraline, my maid was putting on my face now, only because it was hard to look a man in the eyes knowing that he had taken advantage of women, especially now that it was out in the open, even the maids of our castle knew, and if they knew such a thing, how come we didnt? And the other question is . . who else in the family knows? And never told us? Never tried to stop it?.

"Are we late? I believe the evening strucks after five, it is only four thirty", Roxanne told him, he shook his head aware of the time. "yes, well I have come here to say my "hello"'s and I was wondering about the two new geust's coming into your castle", Verin sat down beside Salina, and gave her a look that made her look around the room un-comfortably, and this made me mad, how dare he look at my nurse like that. "Oh, those are our new husbands, Apollyon, and Malthas, one for me, and Roxanne", I said, "Yes, they're also here to help get rid of the H.I.V that is going around the castle with the women we have received, and have", Roxanne also added, Suddenly Verin's eyes were off Salina's body, and the two maids doing our make-up. "What?", he asked baffled, but he then changed his expression to concern. "Aids, you know Verin? A sexually transmitted disease, kills people instantly, we dont want that in our maids, so Apollyon, and Malthas have come to work together, and do their research here to find a cure for the poor things", I said. Coraline my maid was just finishing up my lipstick so Roxanne took over.

"yes, what hero's they are, they are testing on everyone, even Salina, Coraline, and her fellow maid", Roxanne siad gesturing to the girls in the room.

Verin then got up, and headed to the door. "Well that's horrible, I hope you get the cure you need instantly within my stay", Verin said, and I looked at him weird. "Oh, your father didn't tell you?", he asked me, I shook my head, as Coraline adjusted my chair to where I could sit up because my make-up was done. "I am staying to see the wedding", Verin said with a grin, which I really wanted to smack right off his face. "OH! Right, of course, is the rest of the family coming?", I asked him, he shook his head. "Of course, Aunt Lillith wouldn't miss it for her own death", Verin said, he opened the door then, and waved his good-byes, and as soon as he closed the door, Coraline, her assistant maid, Salina, Roxanne, and I all had hate upon our face's towards the door,

"What a foolish man he is, to think he could get some of me", Salina covered herself with her scarf, obviousily feeling violated by Verins eyes being placed upon her.

"We're so sorry girls", Roxanne said on our be-half. "Its quite alright your majesties, your make-up is done", Coraline said, "Thank you Coraline, please, I mean it, get the men to tend this evenings ball, I want all the maids to go home to their families", I told her, Coraline, and her assistant maid bowed to us before leaving the room.

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