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Chapter Nine.

"Verin, Oh great Verin, who now is dead, stay dead, cause no one likes you . . at all, not ever, Apollyon killed you, and my father thinks your a douche", I sang about the hallway so loud that one of my maids came from Apollyon's room in the mid of cleaning it, and made me face her so she could calm me down.

"My lady, please, calm your tone, there are people sleeping in your geust rooms", She told me, "No, no, I am the princess of the underworld, and I will do as I want", I told her with a loud voice, suddenly someone opened the geust door far down the end of the hallway, and the maid rushed me into Apollyon's room. "Hey quiet down there!", someone yelled, the maid stuck her head out the door, and sent her appoligies.

Then she came back into the room, and through the drunk fog in my head I realized that it was Coraline, and for her I shut my mouth closed, she was the sweetest thing. "Oh, dear, Coraline I am so sorry", I said rubbing my head, she took the bottle from my hands, and placed it on the desk in the room. "Shh, its okay your majesty, let's just get you to your room", She said helping me up off the ground were I had clumsily fell from all the alchohol in my system.

"Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest restroom?", Someone at the door asked Coraline, she looked back at the person, and shook her head. "yes, please just give me one second", she told the person who waited patiently outside. "Stay here", Coraline placed me on the bed, and then left closing the door behind her.

But as soon as she was gone, I got bored, and I looked around the room which was now Apollyon's room. And the worst thing about me when I was drunk is that I was always curious about thing that were known to me, but when alcohol is in my system I always think of them different, so I went through Apollyon's things. His letters, which were sent back and forth to family in the west of the realm, and desighns of armor, weapons, and clothing.

Thats what he did for a living? Made clothing, armor, and weapons? That would explain the extrodinary armor he had on himself, but how did he become so rich off of that? People in the realm were not really into weapons, and armor, mostly those two, but clothing yes, but you couldn't become so wealthy off one topic, who was he supplying? Was the only thing that popped into my head, if he was supplying someone big, and rich then yeah, I would believe that to be the reason he's so wealthy, and then a picture of my father's army swam into my head, and that was the reason how.

After a while, I got tired of looking at his weapon desighns, even though I was finding myself quite fascinated by them I had the urge to start dancing, and I looked around his room for something to dance to, like a music box, or anything that would play a little tune. But until I did, I sang something myself.

From the human world there was this song Roxanne, and I had heard on the radio that we are nuts by, it was by Ariana Grande "The Way" featuring Mac Miller.

It was great song about how a girl falls in love, or should I say it was a great song that teeangers loved. As I was singing the chorus, I began to replay the tune in my head, and closed my eyes concentrating hard on the way the music went as I spun around, and pretended to dance with someone because it helped keep the beat going inside my head as I sang the song.

Then suddenly someone opened the door, but I would expect it to be Coraline, and I wouldn't mind it to be a fellow girl witnessing me sing. But if it was Coraline she would be trying to shoo me out of Apollyon's and into mine, so that set curiousity to my mind and I opend my eyes to see him standing there, watching me, his hand still on the door knob.

I stoppd dancing, and my singing voice was cut off because I was startled, and scared. I was in his room, he could have me in serious trouble for that.

I walked forward, and stopped because I had almost tripped over my foot, and had to catch myself, but no matter what my eyes were on Apollyon. I stood there, looking at him in silence. "Apollyon, I-just leaving", I said slurring my words. "Do you need assistance Princess?", He asked me as I wlaked over to the door, I wobbled like a penguin as I approached the door, and before I could even officially step out, I tripped, and he caught me, My foot swung up, and hit the door closing it.

I giggled as my head was bent back looking up facing the ceiling but he was in my view. "Your very tainted Princess, you know that right?", he asked me, I lifted the wine bottle into his view, "Yes, I am aware", I told him with a drunken smile. He walked over to his bed, and laid me down on the cusion. He then took the bottle from me, but my gripped refused, I played tug-o-war with him, and didn't give up the wine, "Princess, you should stop while you can", he told me, but for some reason I just laughed, and kept my hand on it, and then he put his hand over mine, gently i let go of it the bottle.

"Your such a party pooper Apollyon", I told him, he put the wine bottl on his nightstand beside the bed, and looked at me, "Really?", he asked me as if he knew the topic more than me, which at this point he did. "yes, really", I said in a mimicking voice, and then I laughed again. He walked over to his desk were his papers were scattered everywhere from me looking at each and everyone of them, and I sat up, and began to un-tie my corset.

"You went through my things, I take it?", he asked me with a calm tone, even though I was expecting him to freak out or something, because he had locked the drawer it was in, and so I had to pick its lock in order to see what was inside. "Yes, I did, and I really . . am interested in you drawings", I told him, "You know princess, I have the feeling when your drunk you are awfully honest", he told me, I shook my head. "Yep, awfully, and scary, terrifyingly honest", I told him.

Suddenly my dress dropped, and I grabbed the thin blanket at the end of his bed, and wrapped myself in it, covering every part of me. He then turned around, and froze. "Princess, are your trying to make a pass at me?", he asked, and I looked at him like he was crazy, "Apollyon, your so funny", I said, my head began to grow drousy, and I had no idea what was going on, but I was under the influence that this was my room, and I wanted my dress off because I wanted to get into my night clothes, and got to bed. "Do you have a night gown?", I asked him, he shook his head, and dispeared into the bahtroom that was apart of his room, and came out with a long night gown for me, I took it from him, and he walked back over to his desk gathering the papers, and putting them away, his back to me, and giving me time to change.

"Okay, done", I told him, he turned around and walked towards me. "Okay, are you ready to go to your room now?", he asked me picking up my dress, and walking over to his bedroom door. But I climbed into his bed instead. "No, i'm already in my room", I said, he sighed. "Princess, you are drunk you are not in your room", He told me, he walked over to me to help me out of the bed, but I pushed his arm gently away, and put a finger to his mouth. "Shh. . I'm trying to go to bed, you can join me if you want, unless your too afraid, and can sleep on the floor", I told him teasingly. "Princess. . Fine, you can sleep in my room since you are too . . bad in condition to understand what I am telling you, go to your sleep, but in the morning, you owe me a clean room", he said to me, I smiled, "deal". I reached for the bottle on the nightstand, but he stopped me, and took it to the desk across the room.

"No fair", I said, and he shrugged. "you've had enough for the day", he walked over to the other side of the room, and began to take his cloak off, and the armor covering his legs, chest, revealing a well built body that was fairly tanned, he then turned around, his mask still on his face. "Are you enjoying the show?, or may I have some privacy?", he asked me, I looked away, and waited for him to finish.

"Okay", he said, but I didn't bother look at him, instead, I sunk down into the pillows of the bed while he crawled in on the other side. And as the energy and woozines from the alcohol came to an end, my eyes shut closed, and I fell asleep.

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