Secret Garden

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Chapter Five.

"What time is it?", I asked Salina. "It is almost five my lady", Salina said, "Quickly fix yourselves, and we shall be down to the ballroom", Salina left the room so Roxanne and I could check ourselves out in the long body mirrors. Standing there looking in the mirror was a beautiful woman, a magnificient creature. She had long brown hair hanging around her shoulders, and her make-up was a glossy shimmery bright red linning her lips, her eyes had a thin line of liquid eyeliner on top of her eyelids, while her bottom lid was filled with eyeliner, making her bright redish brown eyes very announced, and her face, bluch, and tone was just perfectly well done.

"My goodness, look who is attracting attention", Roxanne looked at me, and I shook my head in disbelief that was me in the mirror. I then looked to Roxanne, she looked wonderul. Her make-up was a natural loook, her lips just had a glossy shimmer, but no color, her lips naturally had a nude look to them, and for her eyes, just a tan shade over her lids, no eyeliner, and little blush on the sides of her cheek bones.

She looked gorgeous. Her make-up gave a natural look to her dress, and showed that she wasn't trying to attract any attention, which made people want to look, and therefore it attracted attention. "Oh, please, have you seen yourself?", I asked her, she shook her head, "yes, and I really can't seem to fine myself", she smiled, and so did I. "Are you ready?", she asked, and her smile faded. "of course, why so gloom?", I asked her, "You know if we go out there, we have to start building a realationship with our "husbands"", she said, and I sighed along with her. "Yeah, well . . like you said, let's just get it over with, and go to the human world to eat our feelings after", I joked, but not even a tint of a smile rose on Roxannes lips, and nor did mine.

The Ballroom was filled with a bunch of faces I didn't even recognize, people from other houses , I had asked some of my Patrons if they were from Apollyon, or Malthas'es families, but they said no, I had the feeling that my future husband, and Roxanne's future husband were loners, and had no family at all. "Girls, you look ravishing in those gowns", Julias came out of nowhere, and stepped in front of us with a wide smile that was not appealing at all. "I geuss it's hunting season", Roxanne whispered to me, talking about how that the announcement of Roxanne, and I getting married was out there now, every man in the realm that could possibly get near us would try and get our hand in marriage, that is if they could steal our hearts. 'What was that princess?", Julias asked with a smile, "Oh nothing Julias, I was just asking my sister where our husbands were", Roxanne said with a already-taken smile on her face.

Julias's smile faded, and he nodded his head. "Well, excuse me I must be off to find my assistant", Julais walked away, Roxanne, and I continued through the crowd of people talking, as they watched people dancing in the middle of the ballroom, and when I say dancing I mean, waltzing. "What are we to do for two hours?", Roxanne asked me, "Two hours? That how long we have to participate in this thing?", I asked her, and she shook her head. "yep".

"How about we hide in the garden for a while?", I asked her, and she shook her head. The secret garden was always the perfect place to avoid this kinds of events that our father threw for us to get to know our suitors, but since it was for Verins birthday, he wouldn't really care if we weren't here, just as long as we were talking to our future husbands, which we could easily lie, and say that we got stuck in the crowd, and never found them.

The garden's secret door was hidden behind a bush on the side of the castle were people parked their carriages, and walked up a massive hill to get to the front door of the castle. The only way to get through the bush was to say the magic words, believe it or not, the magic words were "Move aside", as simple as that. Then the bush would move by itself to reveal a door that you push open, and walk through a dark tunnel for only a few second until you reach the other side were you walk into the garden. It was a magical place, you could search the castle for hours, days, and you would still never find it, you couldn't look over a wall, and see it, it was magically coverd so no matter what you did, or do, you would never see it, find it, or hear anything from its place withouth being in it.

"This place gets even more beautiful everytime I see it", Roxanne said as we walked on the path that lead to the big river at the very bottom of this garden. "Right?", I said following behind her. As soon as we got into the clearing of the River, I folowed her over to a bench were we usually sat and watched the stars. Outside of the magic garden our sky in the underworld was a cave roof that had the fire of lava below our castle glowing in the caves detailed lines. But in the magic garden there were stars, which Roxanne and I were thankful for, because once visiting the human world and seeing they had so many detailed features in the sky drove you nuts knowing you didn't have such beaitful sights down here, in Hell.

"I wish we could fly", Roxanne said, "I wish we had a different father", I said with a sigh. Roxanne looked at me like I was meanest person on the face of the earth. "that's a nice way to ruin the moment", she said, "Sorry, you wished for something, so I though I should too", I said with sarcasm, but it was true, if I could wish for anything, I would wish for another father, one who was much better than the one we had. "Are you thirsty?", She asked me out of the silence. "Obviousily you are", I said, she shook her head, and got up from the bench. "How about I get us some wine?", she asked me, "Bring the whole bottle while your at it, please", I told her as she began to walk away. "You got it", she said as she vanished behind the bushes of flowers.

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