Happy Birthday Verin

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Chapter Eight.

As soon as I saw my cousin's body hit the ground it was like a car door slammed on my soul, and I sat down on the bench, my wide eye's looking down at the ground, only because I couldn't embrace the image of Verin's dead body laying on the ground, limp, and gone. "Oh, god", I said as tears ran down my cheeks. For the first time I didn't say "Oh, hell", "Oh, underworld", "Oh, satan", I litterally meant "Oh, god". The thought of Verin dead, and gon scared me because I would be the one to blame, not because I wish he wasn't dead, or wish he was still here, he deserved It, he had tried to rape me, he was a bad man from the start, me his own cousin, it was disgusting. But my father, would forever kill me, and have my soul rot in Hell for as long as he wanted for Verin bieing dead, especially on his birthday.

"What do you mean "Oh god"?", Apollyon asked me, I looked at him wiping my tears with one hand as I my corset was still undone. "you killed him", I said pointing to Verin's body which made me cry even more just looking at him lay there. "And?", Apollyon said, I looked at him like he was mad. "My father will forever hate me", I told him, "No, he won't, because I'm going to tell your father i'm the one that killed him", Apollyon said, I looked at him surprised. "why?", I asked curious towards the fact this man, Apollyon was so wierdly polite un-like anyone I had ever met. He chuckled, "you see princess, there's this word called responsibility, or politeness, that I am geussing you have never expierenced before from someone else", He said, "And therefor I am taking responsibility of Verin's death, and doing the politeness of telling your father you had nothing to do with it", Apollyon explained.

He put his hand out to me after he wung his bow over his shoulder in one slick move, and it was very attractive that he knew what he was doing with such a weapon. I took his hand, and he helped me up. And as soon as I was standing tall he walked behind me, and touched my corset, and I shook. He put his hands up, and I could see out of the corner of my eye as I turned my head halfway that he had them up. "I am not going to hurt you, I'm just going to fix your corset, that's all", He said, the could finger tips of his metal glove was cold against my skin as he tied my corset neatly back to the way it was before Verin ripped the string out.

"There", Apollyon said once he was done tieing the string into a little bow, he then walked infront of me and lead the way out of the garden. The little minutes we had as we walked back were short, but we still had the hill to hike up in order to get back to the castle, and I wasn't going to walk in silence. As we passed Verin's body, and Apollyon was a few steps in front of me, I kicked his corpse hard in the side, not that it would do anything to him now, because he was dead, but it helped ease my hate for him. "What are you going to tell my father?", I asked Apollyon as we walked towards the tunnel leading out of the garden. "That he was taking advantage of you, and I killed him because he came at me with a weapon once I tried to stop him", He said, "but he didn't have a weapon in his hands", I said, "don't worry i'll take care of it", Apollyon insisted. "But, i'm pretty sure you have plenty of more questions", he said. "yes, I do, why are you so nice? And helping me?", I asked him, we reached the tunnel, he pushed open the door, and held it open for me.

We stood there infront of the bush, as he answered the question. "I told you, i'm very polite-", I cut him off, he coldn't keep saying that, it was not the reason, being nice to me was not the reason, any dick head suitor could be "nice to me" and then behind the curtains he could be the meanest thing ever. "B.S", I told him, "Excuse me?", he asked not understanding the term. "B.S? Stands for Bullshit", I explained. He shook his head, "Right, well, believe my reason or not, I don't have to explain myself to you", He told me matter-of-fact. "well then why do you try?", I asked him as he began to walk away, but my words stopped him.

He turned around slowly to face me. "you know, most people I save happen to know the words "Thank you" or "let me buy you drink", which Is something I happen to need right now", he told me with a hard tone. "I don't think you deserve the "thank you" your digging for at all, I

m just trying to get to know you if your going to be my future husband, which really if I had a choice I would kick you to the curb", I said beginning to march up the hill walking past him.

"plus . . bullshit on the "i'm a nice person", you just have pity on me, you feel bad for me that I have to marry you, that I have Satan for a father, litterally, and you know what else?", I looked him, he stood right where he was looking at me, probably speechless, or just allowing me to let my anger out at him.

"you would have let me get raped, if you just didn't feel like it was the right thing to do, you would have", I told him, he shook his head. "No, your wrong, I would have never let him touch you, ever", He said, I shook my head, "No, that's where your wrong, you suitors . .your all the same thinking that you give a damn about me, just because you think you can have me", I told him, and officially that conversation was over as soon as Roxanne walked through the door with the wine in her hands, and depression swallowing her pretty features.

She saw Apollyon behind me, and her face turned into a fake happy scene. "Am I enterupting something?", she asked me, I shook my head, and took the bottle she had tucked under her armpit, it was opened, and stil lfilled with rich white wine. I gulped some if down, and looked to Apollyon like he was nothing, and then to Roxanne. "No, actually he was just leaving, he has some . . business to do, or whatever these guys do now-a-days", I told Roxanne, I then turned to the door, and walked inside with the bottle in my hand. But I didn't care, I wasn't going to stand in this ballroom, and let people surround me with their conversation that were completely about stupid things, like how rich they are, how they hate there exspensive dresses that are not in this season. It was dumb, so I headed into the hallways heading to my room, gulping down the whole entire bottle in my hand until it was empty, and I snatched another one off a tray that a servant had heading to the ball.

Infact everytime a servant passed me with wine, I grabbed three instead of one, and once I got to the hallway that lead me to my room, I was so drunk that I had began to develop a song.

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