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Chapter One.

"Come on we're going to be late!", I yelled back to Roxanne as we ran down the hallway. We were late for a meeting with my father, and we should have been there hours ago, but instead me, and my sister went to the human world for a Halloween party, and spent enough hours there to be grounded for the rest of our lives.

As soon as we reached the door we walked in to see that the meeting room was empty, and at the end of the table was our father. "Oh, good, we're early", I said. Our father turned around his eyes a dark blood read. "No, your late", he hissed.

"Would you like to tell me why?", he asked, I looked to Roxanne

, who was out of ideas on what to say. "We . . We went to the human world", Roxanne said with a sigh.

"YOU DID WHAT?!", our father shrieked in anger. "It was only for a little", I added. He then looked at me, his pierced eyes on mine, and I could tell, he was reading my memories, what I had seen, and he grew even more mad that he dug his claws into the wooden, table, and began to scatch the top layer of the wood into powered dust. "Father, please, don't be angry with us", Roxanne said.

"Too late", He said, "but that's fine, that is the reason I had arranged mariages for you", he told us. Roxanne, and I looked at eachother like we had heard him wrong. "What?", Roxanne asked him, "Marriages, husbands for you, and you their wives", he said, "Why?", Roxanne asked, "Because I said so!", he yelled . "Am I not the one in charge here? I question you, you don't question me!", he sneered at us, he then looked to Roxanne who had a face of hate towards him. "Wipe that look of your face or i'll do it for you", he said, his eyes filled with hate.

"When are they arriving?", Roxanne asked, then in a blink of an eye, our father was in front of Roxanne, and with one swipe of his hand to her face, his claws sank into her skin, and she fell to the ground, blood dripped from her face as she faced the floor, trying to bare with the pain, she clenched the carpet on the floor. "You, ungrateful little-", he began to say but I enterupted him, "How dare you touch her!", I yelled at him, with a flick of anger my hand was engulfed in a red flame, and swiped my father across the face with the burning light. "ugh!", My father backed away gripping his arm were the sound of sausage sizzling in a pan covered his arm, and he moved his hand to look at were I hit him, his skin was bubbling. "you, get out now! And take this ugly swine with you!", my father pointed to the door with a straight finger, and I rushed over to grab Roxanne, and hauled her out of the room.

"Oh, my Underworld, not again", Salina, our nurse stood at the door of our bedroom, and moved aside so I could bring Roxanne in, and lay her down on her bed, she was asleep, the pain was too much to bear from the poison in our fathers claws. "Salina, hot water, and a rag, now!", I called to my nurse, she placed down what ever she had in her hands, and rushed out the door. "Wendy, am I dead?", Roxanne opened her tired eyes to look at me, and I shook my head. "No, your still alive", I told her, and she sighed. "Hell I wish I was", she said, and I shushed her. "Don't say such things", I told her. "Why? Its true, I wish I was dead", her voice choked, and she began to cry, tears fell down her cheeks ike wax dripping off the top of a candle stick. After a while, Salina walked in with a bowl of water, and a warm damp rag. I just patted Roxanne's head, and kept her company from beside her bed until she fell asleep again, and while she was passed out, Salina gave me some medicine I rubbed on her face, "What is this?", I asked her, "Numb Cream, she won't feel a thing in that spot", Salina explained, I poked a needle through Roxanne's face were the cut had began to stretch over to her chin, waiting for her to jump up, and yell at me in pain, I was surprised to see her eyes were still shut closed, and I continued to stitch her wound up.

"How long do you think it will take for this cut to heal?", Salina asked me as she handed me some fresh clean rags to clean up the sweat on Roxanne's face. I shrugged, "I have no idea, all I know is . . She can't take anymore of this, the lashes that he lets out on her", I told Salina, she stood there in the doorway and watched Roxanne. "At least she finds peace while she sleeps", Salina said, she began to walk away and go off to her room, and call it a day of her services. But she was wrong, Roxanne never found peace, just hell, and more of it in her dreams.

In fact she will probably wake up this night screaming, and crying for her nightmares to leave her even when her eyes are fully open, and her mind awake, she will still find no peace. So that's wh instead of making my bed and falling asleep, I stayed up all night for the hour of which she would sit up wailing in pain. But it never came, and I was surprised it was a usual event that happened every night, and she had missed the usual time she did wake-up, one in the morning, still asleep. I guess it was safe to get some sleep in myself, it was healthy to do, and try even though the demon in us never needed rest, we were a battery that would last for a long time, until we died.

"Good night Roxanne", is what I said as I kissed her on the forehead and crawled into my own bed, but as soon as I got under the covers, she sat up, huffing, and puffing, breathing hard, and sweating as if she had run a marathon and came back totally soaked and drenched in water. "Wendy", she said out of breathe, I removed my covers pushing them to the side, and came to her side of the bed. I put a hand to her forehead she was bruning up un-controlably.

"What is it?", I asked her, "It's coming, he's coming for us", Roxanne said, "What? Who is?", I asked her, she shook her head, and lied back down in exshaution as if her spine could hold her up anymore.

"I-I don't know, but he . . he want;s something from us", she breathed heavily, I grabbed my mug full of what was now warm water off of my nightstand, and gave it to her, she gulped it down, all of it. "Roxanne who is it-", I began to ask her when suddenly hse froze in mid sentence "I don't know-", and her arm began to glow blue, but not all of it, just lines going up and down her arm, and her hand, just her left hand that was towards me, and then I realized it was her viens that were taking form, glowing blue inside her flesh.

Suddenly her body began to raise in the air, and so did her arm as well, and a blue flame engulfed her whole entire body. "Roxanne! Control your powers", I said as I tried to pull her down but her flame whiped at my hand, wanring me to back off as it stung my hand.

"I can't, i-", suddenly a terrible scream was let out, and I rushed to the door, opened our bedroom door, and yelled for Salina to hurry, and come to my aid. "Roxanne, breathe, focus and calm yourself, it will help calm your powers, calm yourself", I repeated over and over again, this hadn't happened in a while, the second time Roxanne was hit by our father this had happened, she freaked about him coming after her nad hitting her over, and over again, but he never would, not even for the joy of it, but he still would lash out at her whenever we would visit the human world or do something too small to get mad over, like asking questions, or suggusting ideas for taking over the world.

Either way she hadn't engulfed in blue flames when she woke up from a nightmare in a while, and when she did, it was because she was deadly scared of someone coming after her, or touching her.

"What in the name of-", Salina opened the door, and that obviousily scared Roxanne, and the flame grew brighter, so bright that the room was flashed with a bright light, and it was over. It hadn't hurt us, but it had hurt Roxanne, she laid on her bed almost hanging off the side, and ready to fall to the floor, she was limp, and un-conscious. "Salina, water, rags, and medicine now!", I told her, but before she left I added in, "infact get a damn healer down here now!", I said with a straight tone. A healer in our world was a doctor, just a fancier word for it.

!!! Hey guys Shelly here! I'm sorry this chapter was such crap because I was doing it off memory from my head because I forgot to save it the first time! :O yikes! but anyways the other chapters are much better I promise! please read, and I hope you enjoy. plus I am turning this into a series, yep, that's right if you like Roxanne, and Wendy (which I hope you do) they're will be more of them!

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