In deep doo-doo now

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Chapter Twenty-One.

"Oh god", Roxanne put her hands to her mouth as tears ran over her hands from her eyes, Salina asked her to hold a damp towel to my face, but the mental picture of the scratches taking up me cheeks and gushing out blood disturbed her.

'I'm sorry Wendy, I just cant'. she whimpered inside my head, out of the wincing pain I looked up to her from laying in my very own bed to see my own blood covering her hands.

"Am I really loosing that much blood?", I asked aloud for anyone to answer. "here, I have the healer!", Salina rushed in with a healer, the man was old with a white long beard that really reminded me of Gandolph from 'Lord of the rings'.

His green eyes flickered over to me, and they widened in horror, "what in the name of Satan have you done to yourself?", he asked me with that wise old shaky voice. "does it matter?! we pay you good money, now get I work!", Salina urged the man to come to my side, and have him begin his healing rituals.

"Tell us what you need doctor", Roxanne said calmly to the man who was shoo ken by the situation he was pushed into. poor man, I thought, we were to give him a heartache before this was over.

"I need hot water, a hellhounds hair, and ear wax from an angel", the old Healer ordered. weird demands but Salina, and Roxanne ran out of the room working as a team to get what was needed.

"Oh,dear, here Princess this shall slow down the bleeding", The old Healer reached into his old looking messenger bag made of leather, and took it a pinch of what looked like mushed up green herbs that were glistening like salt.

He sprinkled half and half on one cut-up cheek and then the other. The herbs grabbed at my wounds with a sizzling sensation, and then once it was down popping around my skin like the candy 'Pop Rocks' It simmered down, and with one final pinch the herb was done causing me pain.

I sighed with relief, and slowly put a shaky hand to my face I felt if the flood of blood had stopped. Still moist, but the fleeing of warm liquid rushing out to my fingers had stopped from the wounds. "Much better?", the old Healer smiled at me, I shook my head.

"Good now all we have to do is get rid of the poison in your system before you die", the old Healer said as if it was no biggy, but to me it was a big BIGGY. "what?!", I sat up, and my head instantly felt woozy, and so I laid myself back down.

"We have what you need", Roxanne, and Salina walked in with two baskets if ingredients for the old Healer. He took what he needed, and mixed it in with the hot water Salina had brought for him. As soon as all the herbs and ingredients were all in the water, the liquid began to fuzz like crazy at the top with white bubbles.

He looked over to me, moving the cup towards me. Roxanne and Salina helped me up as the old Healer put the cup to my lips, and I drank the warm sizzling liquid, it tasted like some sort of soda and fuzzed like one as it went down my throat.

"Now, this liquid will have you vomiting for at least four hours, just be glad it's not days or weeks, but if so please contact me", the old Healer got up, and left. I thanked him with a head nod because I felt at that very moment that if I were to open my mouth I might have let puke rush off my tongue and onto the ground.

"Thank you Healer", Salina payed the old Healer his money as he left, and Roxanne gave him the biggest hug I ever seen her give anyone, I must have really scared her.

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