The Grand Ball

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Chapter Three.

"Wendy, i'm so sorry about last night, I . . I didn't mean to lash out again", Roxanne said, I looked over ot her in her tub, she was on the brink of tears, and I gave her a re-assuring smile. "No, no, Roxanne, it's all fine, it was not your fault, you remember that, it was not your fault, okay?", I told her, she shook her head, and began to breathe in and out of her mouth. "That's good, keep breathing", I encouraged her. Salina walked in then with the water, and filled up Roxanne's first, which was good because Roxanne instatnly began to relax, and im sure her mind was off of what she was thinking about. Then Salina filled mine, but I didin't go into relaxtion like I usually did, I just . . well laid in the bath wondering what was planned at this ball, this evening.

"So, your father seems to be going all out, he has arranged a dress fitting for both of you", Salina announced as she added soap to both of Roxanne, and I's baths.

"You cannot be serious", I sighed, Salina shook her head. "I know my dear Princess, but look at it this way, just get it over with", She said.

"How?", I sighed with irritation, there was no way I was to have a dress fitting, what was wrong the things we already had? Did we really need more dresses? We already had thirty dresses filling an overloaded closet already, it was not neccesary, we haven't worn all thirty yet. Only because Roxanne, and I spend most of our days, and our time in the human world.

"Let's just do what the man want's Wendy, and then we can do what we want after", Roxanne said, she laid there in her tub eyes closed, and it brought a smile to my face to see that she was relaxed once again. "Alright, only because you want too", I said taking a blob of flawless bubbles, and threw it at her, it landed softly on her nose, and her eyes widened in surprise. She laughed then and blew the ball of bubbles of her nose in one breathe, and then she sat up and looekd at me, then she swiped her hand out of her tub, and along with water flying across the roo, bubbles were all in my hair. "Oh, girls .. not now", Salina began to crack a smile at our playful habits.

Suddenly the room errupted in a water, and bubble fight. Roxanne, and I completely soaked salina with water, that her enitre gown was drenched, and all the water in both tubs was laying on the very stomach of the tub, it was almost gone.

Suddenly Roxanne got out of her tub, and on the first stance on the ground, she slimped, and fell on her bottom, she began to laugh.

I got out as well, and managed to stay up, and not fall, and slip like Roxanne even though the floor was a pond of water. I walked slowly over to a hanger that held my towel, and grabbed it, and as soon as I did, I fell too, and landed on my but, I began to laugh too, getting hurt was fun when you couldn't physically feel pain. Salina stood at the closed door laughing as well, and the room was filled with joy, and then someone opened the door, and my father stepped in, quickly feeling the prescence of death, and anger approaching the doorway Roxanne climbed back into the tub to hide herself, as I stood up, and wrapped myself properly, and having a few second before the door knob turned fully, I tossed roxanne a towel too, and when my father walked in we made it seem that we were just beginning to get ready, and leave the bathing room.

"What is this?", He hissed with irritation. "A terrible flood, sire", Salina said, "Yes, a terrible one", Roxanne said, she glared at Salina, playing a part. "Salina didn't check the buckets, and they had holes on the bottom, as soon as she brought them in they broke, and water got everywhere", I added. My Father didn't bother look at Salina, he didn't care if she had made a mistake that "Made us un-happy", it would have mattered though if he had been made un-happy, then Salina's head would have been cut off, or worse, our father's lunch.

"Get it cleaned up, the best tailor in the realm it waiting for in your rooms, hurry now, and don't be late, or else", He Demanded.

We waited for him to leave the room until resuming our smiles, and thought of moment. "Good cover girls, your getting better", Salina said. "Sorry we had to blame you, I couldn't think of anything else", Roxanne appoligized. Salina shook her head, "No problem at all Princess", she said.

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