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Chapter Twenty-Three.

"Princess? are you feeling better?", the person walked more into the room, an the light of the candles lit in my room showed me there face, it was Coralline. "Oh, hello, Coralline, yes I am feeling much better, who asks?", I looked up at Coraline.

She walked over to the very end of my bed and sat by my feet. "your father Madam", she said with a shaky voice. i scowled at her words, who she had said the message was from. "what does he want?", I growled. "He wants you to attend dinner", she said.

I sighed. he scratched me in the face, yelled at me, was the devil he was, and now he wanted me to show my presence at a stupid dinner, just so I could loose my cool with him? "does he want me dressed?", I asked Coraline.

She shook her head. "get me the lowest dress there is", I told Coraline.

A few minutes later I was dressed in a ragged pale white dress that looked like it was made by scruffy rag material. I smiled in approval, this would definitely piss my father off, and I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I entered the room. Also to add to the growing mess I told Coraline not to bother doing my make-up.

"Leave my face pale, and naked as it is", I demanded of her.

"And leave my hair alone too", I said putting my hair up into a messy bun, of course I looked disgusting for a formal event, but it was a nice kind of messy if I was going to be judge when I walked into the room.

Which of course I was . . "You know Wendy there is such a thing. Called as a bath, a brush, real clothing-", my father began to say, "how about you shut-up, and be a real father, maybe then I'll want to wear real clothing", I said with a non-caring attitude toward what he had to say.

He swallowed his words, and looked down at his bowl of soup. I walked along the side of the table, and sat down beside Apollyon. he chuckled a little and kept it quiet towards me, I looked at him questioningly. "what are you laughing at?", I asked him.

He shrugged, and the turned his face to me, "you look ridiculously cute", he told me, I couldn't help but smile at him. and then I felt something warm under the table grab my folded arms on my lap, I tensed a little lot aware at to the thought what it could be, and looked over to Apollyon who's right arm towards me was leaning toward me, and I calmed down to know it was him who was grabbing my hand in his.

"Now, let's have dinner shall we?", Malthas stood, and clapped his hands. instantly a bunch of my maids rushed into the room with platters of dishes, and set then on the table nearly in an orderly way, and quickly left the room while some stood by the wall just in case if we needed anything else.

"What is the occasion of such a fashion Malthas?", my father asked him. he looked to the end of the table where my father stood, and smiled. "Tomorrow. . is the day I will be married to your daughter, Lucifer, what is not the occasion?", Malthas asked him, and I sighed.

All I wanted to do was stand up and kill Malthas at this point for him to claim that he "loves" my sister was such crap, he didn't care about her, he just wanted to obey my father and his demands for my sister, and I to bare the most ugliest babies there are.

"Is there something you would like to say Wendy?", Malthas looked at me, and I shot him an angry death-stare. To my surprise Apollyon's soft grip on my hand tensed, and I looked to him I see that behind his mask his eyes were watching Malthas with complete death towards him, "No, she doesn't Malthas, why don't you sit down?", Apollyon tried hard not to show that in the tone of his voice it was a complete growl he wanted to let loose at Malthas.

Malthas slowly sank down to the seat of his chair, and sat there quiet serving himself food from the platters of dishes before him. My sister did the same, she didn't want to start contact with Malthas.

'When were you going to tell me?' Roxanne's voice was in my head, and I looked at her, she shot me glance of her eyes, and looked back down at we food so no one would suspect anything. 'about the plan you had for us to leave here to the human world?', Roxanne added.

She looked at me, and I made a quick shrug towards her question. 'Apollyon told me, he wanted me to be prepared, I'm glad you found a way to get us out of this mess' she said. 'I'm sorry I was standing up for our father, your right, he deserves to be betrayed, to be shown he cannot put a leash on us' Roxanne was looking at me from across the table, and with a slight smile.

I released my silverware from my grip in an 'awe' state at her. my fork slapped the side of my plate making a loud "clink!" sound, and every eye was on me. I looked down at the hem of my dress, and pretended to inspect it.

"Wendy if you cannot control yourself then leave the room now, and let us enjoy our dinner in peace", my father said. I continued to look at my dress when suddenly someone barged through the door.

"In your name sire!", Malthas jumped up from his seat, so did Apollyon as he let go of my hand to get a look at the man who was now laying in the floor bleeping out from his right hand which was gone, and reveling what a wrist look like in a human body.

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