Chapter 12 - Replying

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Sapphires point of view
I wake up bright and early and sneak out the door to get to the post office. The day is Monday so I know it will be open. The air is cold on my freshly washed jumper. My hair blows in my face because of the wind as I walk. Luckily the post office is only a 5 minute walk meaning I won't be too long and will get home before my mum wakes up.
On arrival, I look down at my watch and see the time is 8:22. The sign on the wall, informs me that I have another ten minutes to wait until it opens. This means that I will have to be quick getting home because my mum wakes up usually at about 8:45/9:00.
As soon as the doors open, I am straight in stamping the many presents I brought Alfie and posting them off to the address of his po box which I wrote unneatly on the back of a shreddies cereal coupon.
Once they are sent off, I start running home. I make it back just in time to hear the noise of the bed creaking as my mum is waking up. Her bed always creaks, it is very annoying but she is too tight to buy a new one. Saying that the money she could of spend on it went to my brand new mac book after ages of me trying to convince her that I needed it for my blog and school.
Half an hour later after saying good morning to my mum and having breakfast, I decide to have another lazy day in and cosy up in my warm duvet with my laptop on my lap. I suddenly think about zalfie and the need to want to see him again. Without thinking too much, I open a new tab and type ' Cheap hotels in Brighten'. A place comes up called ' Queenshotel'. It looks good and it's right where I need it to be. I book a one bedroom and when it comes to payments I  pay out of my mums credit card which I found out the details ages ago when my mum left me in charge of buying my mac book. I went for all inclusive for the week because I like free food.
A week? Wait what am I gonna tell mum? In that moment I remember something, an email I got sent a week before the break up of the school year about a summer camp. I could just tell mum that I paid to do that on her card. My mum is very laid back you see, I know how to get round her ( she is very gullable). As for my dad, he works away so he is barely here, I only really see him some days every few weeks :( but he is nothing to worry about. He is always so tired when he gets back, I am sure he won't realise I am even gone and even if he did, he will believe anything mum tells him.
' Purchase made'
I click the X and am about to shut my laptop down when I remember my blog. I told them that I would update them on my themed fan mail blog and reply to comments. So I open back a new tab and read through the comments.
@unicornlover66 : "Why are you changing? I used to love your posts about your life! Why upset me so much and change????!!!!!!!!!!"
[ Replying to @unicornlover66 ....]
@Sapph.ire : " I am so sorry to upset you but I have changed my content because I was not happy with it and enjoying it as much as I used to. This is me and this is how it's gonna be so sorry again to cause you upset but nothing is gonna change and I hope you can understand @unicornlover66 "

[ Replying to @lozzy2003 ....]
@Sapph.ire : " I am really sorry but I hope you enjoy my new content as I will enjoy writing it @lozzy2003 "

@jessfree : "??????
[ Replying to @jessfree ....]
@Sapph.ire : " Sorry what's your question??? @jessfree"

@flawlessmary_ : " well you just lost a follower......"
[ Replying to @flawlessmary_ ....]
@Sapph.ire : " I'm sorry for my lose ( I'm crying :( ) I hope you can understand where I am coming from. @flawlessmary_ "

I have a bit of fun with the replys, trying to not let them get to me too much. The next one does however....

@jentimder21 : " I hate you now, why did I even follow you in the first place?! Your life is so boring... It's better I don't know about it :( "
[ Replying to @jentimder21 ....]
@Sapph.ire : " You followed me because you enjoyed my content so you obviously didn't think it was boring. If you hate me as much as you say you do then just go ahead and unfollow me. I don't want negative trolls on my feed so have a nice life and hopefully there will be another blogger out there that is right for you but a little bit of advice... Not many people like trolls on there account so good luck with that! @jentimder21"

I move on to some positive comments and I am in the middle replying to @cutenessoverload34 when a notification comes up saying...
[ @jentimder21 is typing.... ]
I almost throw up in my mouth from the nerves waiting for her reply. 2o seconds later there is another ding.
@jentimder21 : " I am not a troll for a matter of fact how rude! I am just a girl who yes checked out your account briefly but got bored ( well at least now I'm bored :| ) Don't take it so heavily sweetheart, you are not the most interesting person and I wrote my opinion just like I am doing now so sorry if you don't like it babe @Sapph.ire or whatever your name is ... "
I write a reply straight after.
[Replying to @jentimder21 ....]
@Sapph.ire : " And I was writing my opinion too just as much as now so you can take your negativity elsewhere because it's not welcome here BABE!!! ..... Btw: if you thought you could get to me you were wrong!!! @jentimder21"
I decide to block her and finish replying to my last comment.

After this, I get started on writing my actual blog....

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