Chapter 7- Do i still like him back?

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Sapphires point of view
I pull back my duvet and put my alarm on snooze, I do not want to get out of bed. After what happened yesterday, I'm so tired. I stare at the picture of my adopted guide dog, not wanting to get up. I finally get myself up , after 10 minutes of saying to myself 'get up, get up, get up, get up, get up Sapphie, get up ( repeated to myself about 50 times).

I open my wardrobe and decide to wear my black, short sleeved t-shirt and my Dennin shirt over the top. I deliberately leave my buttons undone to show my black t-shirt underneath. I put on black, ripped shorts with my pink, black and white air Max's. I put in my diamanté earrings and go downstairs.
When I walk into the kitchen, Zed is sitting at the table. I smell the crispy bacon that my mum is cooking and sit down to wait. My brother just about acknowledges me and my mum turns around to say: " Good morning Sapphie!"
I love it when my family calls me that, but I don't like it as much when others do it. Actually on second thought, I would let Alfie call me that, I would.
I watch as mum places a plate full of scrambled egg and crispy bacon on the table in front of me, this breaks me from my thoughts.
" Thank you would be nice missy?" She says over my shoulder. I mumble it under my breath and she walks away.
My brother devours his breakfast in like 5 minutes, burping unmannerly throughout because he's a pig. Where as I am taking my time cutting up my bacon by this point.
"You feeling alright sapph?" Mum looks over to me.
"Just tired that's all" I yawn.
" Zed, quiet down! You are gonna wake the neighbours, and of course Sapph doesn't do that.Do you Sapph?"
"Of course I don't...."I lie kicking him from under the table "He is just a tattletale who's run out of things to snitch about." This time round I give him a bigger kick then last time.
I look at mum and say " See he is a snitch, I never kicked him. He's lying!" I give Zed a look like I have won this battle.
" Sapphire stop being rude to your brother and Zed stop acting like a baby! Grow up both of you!"
Zed knows that he has lost and retreats back to his bedroom sulking. I can't help but laugh. Mum sees this and gives me a light hit on the shoulder. I go silent after this and finish my breakfast.
I run up stairs and check my phone. I have an Instagram message from a boy at my school that goes by the Instagram name james_1_2. This account is familiar to me and he is in my class. He has short, blond hair and wears braces. His family are apparently from Ireland and he moved here when he was 10, well so said Jess who used to go out with him. He has a strong Irish accent which I like the most about him. I click on to the message and take by the surprise the length of it. It reads:
James_1_2: I know this is a bit of a surprise since I have never messaged you before but I have decided to pull myself together and just say it or write it in this case. I like you, I always have. I just suppose I have never been brave enough to tell you that. The more I think about it the more I am convinced that you like me too. I want you too, I really do so well I am kinda asking if you can consider perhaps going out with me? Sending you my love hope you are doing well. Don't mean to sound creepy or something but this has been going on for quite some time now. Please consider, thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Omg! Omg! Omg! The boy that I have loved for ages has FINALLY asked me out! He was all I dreamed about for months. This moment is here! He likes me. I like........
Wait what about Alfie? We kind of have a thing now, what if he's jealous?I will have to say no! I reply.
Sapph.ire: Your right, I did like you and I am flattered with this message but right now I don't think this is right. It's been a while since I thought that way but over time I have leant to deal with the fact that you would never like me in that way back and I guess well now that you do, it's made me think. Right now, I am gonna say no but I think a lot about you and although I don't feel that way about you anymore I still like you as a friend and I want to get closer with you, to get to know you more then I can see how things go. I am really sorry but hope you understand. Xxxx
I hit send. I regret what I have written but decide not to regret it because it's for the best. "It's for Alfie" I accidentally say out loud, luckily I am alone.
Several seconds later I get a response.
James_1_2: I understand and agree, we need to know each other more right? Baby steps. How about we plan to meet up in the hols? I would love to see u xxxx
He's acting as if the other messages above were not him. He brushes it off as if he had not just been rejected a few seconds before. I think to myself perhaps I should be more like him. Relaxed. Calm. Don't over think stuff.
I would like to meet him so I reply, trying to keep it as jolly as he was before.
Sapph_ire: Yes! I would love to meet you, let me know on the dets xxx
Done. Short, simple. I lock my phone, not bothering to wait for a reply. I look to see the time is 9:22. The plan for the day is nothing really.
As I am about to walk across the hall to the bathroom, I remember something that I told myself I would do yesterday, find Alfie's address. I run back in my room and get out my laptop. I type in 'Alfie's deyes Po box'. The first thing that it comes up with is his address. Bingo! I have his address. Now all I have to do is buy the stuff to send him. What would he want? I think about this for a bit then decide to leave it and see what there is. I yell down to mum asking her if I can walk in town today. She asks me the usual questions, who I was going with (I answered no-one) why I was going (I lied that I just wanted to buy some makeup) she asked where I was getting the money from (this I hadn't thought about) so I went downstairs and asked in the nicest way if I could borrow some money. After 15 minutes of trying to explain that I needed some new mascara and it would be really expensive ( a lie, again hate lying :| ) she finally agreed to let me have the money so off I went to town.

This is not all of sapphires point of view of the day but because this chapter was getting quite long, I have decided to break it up. If you want to see more of Sapphires day and her point of view of it please follow and look out for part 2... Lots of love the_dreamangels xx

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