Chapter 55 - Sapphires birthday

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Sapphires point of view
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Sapphire,
Happy birthday to you.
HIP HIP HOORAY. HIP HIP HOORAY!!" My family sings loudly whilst I smile awkwardly at the camera before blowing out the 16 candles on my birthday cake. I do love my birthdays but my family do make it embarrassing. Taking cringey pictures, having the erge to film every minute of the day. I mean, are you serious?
In the lounge there is a large box wrapped in 'happy birthday' wrapping paper. I start to rip off the paper when mum shouts...
"Why?" I ask worried.
"DO I YOU SMELL SMOKE?!" Mum shouts again. Now I'm really getting worried.
Me, Zed and dad sniff the air. I smell I hint of smoke in the air...
"Er...y-yes" I stutter.
"QUICK out the door!" Dad shouts and picks up Jet and Zander.
Mum takes Cassiah and gives her to me.
"I have to get something sapphy, you take her. Zed take the sapphires present" mum instructs.
I would tell her to stay but in a situation like this, I need to get Zed and Cassiah out. Zed picks up the box and follows me out.
I'm so afraid. Will I be able to live here after this? House fires destroy houses. I mean it is in the name, 'house' fires... duh!
As soon as I step out the house I hear fire engines, but do not see them. I quickly run making sure I Zed is following.
"HURRY UP ZED!?" I shout. I don't want Zed to be in a coma because of this.
Zed starts to speed up and we meet dad at the end of the drive way.
"I'm so sorry darling...WAIT?! Where's your mum?!" Dad asks frantically.
"Dad calm down. She said she had to get something, ok?" I say trying to calm him down.
Zed winks at him and dad nods. I'm so confused, what is happening?!
"Guys take the little ones to Philly's house across the road, Alright?" Dad says and starts sprint towards our house.
"What do we do now sapph?" Zed asks, clearly frightened but trying to play it cool.
"Well... I guess we do what dad said, go to Philly's house" I say and start walking with Cassiah, Zander and Jet in their car seats in my hand.
Zed follows holding my birthday present in his hands, even though I wouldn't of minded if he left it behind, I only care if my family is safe. I would of hated going through what they went through when I was in a coma.

Martha's (sapphires mum) point of view

Smoke. Smoke is all I see and smell. It takes over the room like a speaker on full pelt. Desperately, I put my hands out in front of me trying not to fall over.
Finally I make it to the kitchen and now all I have left to do is get to the garage. However the flames push me back and I am restricted to very little space as around me there is a blanket of burning flames. I pause, too frightened to move. I feel someone touch me on the arm. I turn around to see who it is but can only see  an outline of a tall, muscular man. But, who is he? My mind is all fuzzy from the fumes, my vision is blurry and the flames are getting closer. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, only smoke goes in.
HELP!? My mind is screaming but my mouth is still.
"Darling we need to get..."
My mind spins into a pool of darkness...

Franks (sapphires dad) point of view

"Darling we need to get out of h-" I get stopped half way through my sentence because Martha has fallen into my arms.
"HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP" I scream at the top of my lungs.
No one comes. I need to get to a window I think to myself. I look around for a somewhere not blocked with flames. the circle of fire that is getting smaller. There is a tiny gap that leads to a window but it might be hard to get me and Martha through.
My vision has gone fuzzy but I can hear a faint voice in the distance...
"Don't worry sir we will get you out, I'm from the fire services"
"T-there's a-a d-og in t-the garage" I inform.
"Thank you sir" say the man.

Thank you so much for reading Zalfie Stalker! You have reached the end of this book!! Exciting! Xx

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