Chapter 16- arriving

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A week later...

I jump out of bed, excited for the day ahead. The time is 9:30 and I know my mum has left for work which means my brother has been dropped off at my nans for the day. I open my wardrobe and chuck on some black leggings and a grey top ( I want to be comfy for the journey.) I spend the next 20 minutes getting my last minute bits ready, phone, charger etc. I head downstairs to see my mum has made me breakfast and left it in the microwave for me to heat up. I gather from the smell that it is beans on toast with melted cheese on top which I love.
After eating, I stand at the door with all my bags ready to go. I check my phone and see my mum has texted: ' Hi sweetie, how are you? Left your breakfast in the microwave your favourite. Sending all my love, see you in a week. Have fun at summer camp! Ps I booked a taxi for ten!" As I read this, I hear a car honk outside telling me the taxi has arrived. Grabbing my things I head to the taxi, almost forgetting to lock the door with my excitement. Here I come Alfie!

The Brighton view amazes me as the taxi pulls up outside the hotel. I give the man his money and thank him for the car ride. The hotel looks amazing from the outside, I can't wait to see my room! I walk into the reception, tell the red headed receptionist my mums name as she gives me my room key and my all inclusive band which I must keep on at all times to get my free food.
Opening my door, the first thing i see is a colourful painting of Brighton Pier on my ocean, blue wall. The rest of the room is again all blue but this time lighter. I am guessing they are going with an ocean theme. I look at my double bed and feel the need to flop down after a long journey. When I do, I feel the cream covers that have bright colourful fish on them. It reminders me of the duvet I used to have as a kid. I tell myself to get up as my belly crumbles wanting some free lunch. As I go to walk out, I trip over my suitcase that I have left lying in the middle of the room. I decide to unpack later and dump my suitcase on my bed. I then leave.
I walk through a door reading restaurant. The smell of lovely, fresh food enters my nostrils. A man then comes up to me and asks if I have a band, I nod and show him. He then leads me to a table for one and informs me that I can help myself. I can't help smiling when I look down on the gorgeous chips that I am just dying to eat. The restaurant is a lot bigger than I expected, with lots of hungry eager people queuing up for food. I look up to see that the ceiling is hidden by  a sea of chandlers. They have really gone all out on this place.
I spend the rest of the day looking round the hotel. I even have a little dip in the pool. Later on, when I finally decide to resort back to my room, I am so tired I forget all about unpacking only grabbing my pyjamas to sleep in and jump into bed. I tell myself that I will definitely explore Brighton tomorrow and hopefully bump into Alfie. Fingers crossed! ....

Zalfie StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now