Chapter 48- The reality of kids

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Sapphires mums point of view

I so badly want to say that life is okay at the moment but I cant. I mean when you have 3 screaming babies in the house life is never gonna be easy. Frank has had to go back to work since he took a lot of time off when Sapphire was ill so we cant afford for him to be off any longer. That means it is just me at home in the day when Sapphire and Zed are both at school. Sapphire has only got a few months left of school, ekkkkk. They grow up too fast!

The babies are barely a couple of weeks old yet and I am already tired and exhausted. Me and Frank both knew that taking on another baby would be hard but we never knew that there would be 3. What doesn't help is the fact that we have lost a child. There hasn't been a day since, that I haven't thought about our dear lost baby Emma. I know I moan that the babies give me headaches but I love them to pieces, just like I do Sapphire and Zed. I wish that Emma was here too.

We haven't had time yet to even stop to think about funerals or anything. I know deep down though that as much as it hurts, there has to be one. I always used to see these sorts of situations happen on tv and shows like casualty or one born every minute and have emphathy for these women and their families. Now that is us.

I love the evenings when Frank comes home along with the kids and I get to fully relax. Lately Sapphire has been going out with her boyfriend. That boy that Frank banned from Sapphire seeing before the accident. Goodness that was an argument or two! I am so frilled though that things have been going well with them.

Zed has been going out with his mates now that he is old enough and it is lighter outside. That means the babies will either be with Frank or down for a nap and it gives me time to rest.
Tonight in particular, that is exactly was is happening. Sapphire is out with James, I heard its their first official date. I am so excited for her. Also, she is turning 16 on Friday!
I am curled up on the sofa and can't think about anything else that I want to do more than to sleep but I cant just yet, my mind feels wide awake. Instead I put a film on and cuddle up with a blanket. I can hear Jet crying upstairs but I don't worry because I know Frank's up there.
As I roll over, a surge of pain rushes through me as I remember how much my belly hurts. I know I am fine but ever since the births it has been hurting so much. I decide not to worry because I know from previous times before that it happens. Not as bad as this.
I turn over the over way and the pain goes away. I hear the opening of the film bellow out of the tv screen but this time my eyes can't resist closing. I just let them this time and my eyes slowly begin to close...

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