Chapter 43- Sapphires blog

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6 months later...
Thursday 4th April
Dear blog...
I am so sorry I have not been writing for a while , 6 months to be precise ( sorry about that) The last time I updated you i had just got back from hospital and I told you that I would be changing back to my old ways and posting proper blogs about my day again. That's what this is. A lot has gone on since that blog so i am gonna tell you about it:
A week after my last blog update, I went on a date with James, my boyfriend if you didn't know. As it turns out, my memory recalled us being together as a couple at the time but long story short, we weren't. But we are now, yayyyyyy ( inside I am squealing right now) I don't know how long i will remember our relationship but who cares? So yeah that happened but that's not it.
Something else happened that did change my life drastically. I think it was around Christmas but don't take my word for it. I had a knock on the door and because the only person in other than me, was my brother at the time I opened it. Standing there, was who I now know to be Alfie Deyes Aka Pointless blog if you know him by that name which I am guessing most of you do. At the time, I had forgotten who he was to me and just assumed he was a stranger. It wasn't until he sat down asking me whether I was okay and stuff that my memory came back to me and I remembered him. My idol! I still don't understand how I could of forgotten him because he has now become our closest family friend that our family has ever had. Btw, did I forget to mention I now live in Brighton. Alfie, if you are reading this, I hope you are cos I told you too and I know I have lost my memory but I still remember that £5 you owe me ;)!
I can talk about a lot more but I am sorry this has to be cut short but my mum is going into labour. So sorry....
Sapphire out :)

Zalfie StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now