Chapter 15- Summer camp?

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Sapphires point of view
"NO! You are not going to a boys house, end of!!!" My dads yells at me.
Before I can argue any further, mum walks in.
"What's all the noise?" Since I left her, she has put her hair up in a bun which at this point has seemed to collapse.
"Dad er.."
" Martha, can we speak in the kitchen?" My dad interrupts me. As he and mum walks into the kitchen, I know it's going to be a no. So to save the conversation, I follow them to the kitchen and listen to the whole thing! I mean I'm saving the conversation with me!
Unfortnatley for me, they slam the door in my face. However throughout the years I have learnt to ease drop very well so I put my ears to the door and listen.
" Martha, our daughter wants to go for a sleepover with James. I have told her she under no circumstances can go."I hear my dad say.
"Why?" My mums says.
Wait! My mum has questioned this, this is hope! When my mum questions things it often means she dosent agree which means I might be able to go...
" What do you mean why? He's a boy, we discussed this with her. No boyfriends until she is 16!"
" No you are wrong frank, YOU told her and how do you know he's her boyfriend, she might just friend and just because he is a boy shouldn't be the reason to not let her go, if it was a girl you would. She is growing up Frank, she is going her interested in boys you can't prevent that. Please reconsider." 
Omg! What just happened..
Mum just disagreed!!!!
" Look perhaps another time but right now I just don't want her to, we don't know anything about this boy"
" Look we have to trust her, but yes I see this a bit short notice perhaps not tonight"
This is the last thing I hear, from my mum, and just as they walk out I am in the living room sitting down on the couch like I heard nothing. My mum gets straight to the point.
" Sapph, I don't think you should go tonight another time maybe?" She steps back, I can see she is half expecting me to throw a tantrum. I don't. To be honest i am not that bothered. Instead I just nod and she smiles.
" Ok well that's it then." My dad says , I can tell he is thinking that he never wants there to be another time. I don't even know myself whether I want there to be another time.

After sending James a short text to tell him I can't come, I go upstairs to watch more of Alfie's videos. On
the way I bump into dad and suddenly I remember something. Something that I was meant to ask him earlier.
" Dad, you know I am young summer camp?" I say trying to make it sound causal. I know my dad probably has no idea what I am going on about because he is barley around half the time to know but figure it's best to act like he knows.  As I suspected he dosent know.
" Summer camp since when?"
" Since mum booked it" this may or may not be a little white lie.
" Okay, I didn't know that but yeah what about it?"
" I need some money" This is risky, if I know my dad he would need to know all the details before believes out any money.
" Okay how much?" I'm guessing not today. Today is the perfect day to be asking my parents, my mum disagreed with my dad and my dad has kinda agreed to give me money.
" I don't know about £10" I was gonna say more but took the tactical move not to and I am going have my savings, my mums £10 alongside £10 i hope he is gonna give me so all sorted. I hope...
"Il see" my dad says, I can tell at this point he is not sounding as convinced as before but il take what I can get.

The rest of the day is spend doing nothing really. I decide to pack a little but get as far as dumping about two tops and shorts into my suitcase and give up. Shortly after that my makes me go with her to watch my brother play football. I hate it so much, I like playing it ( sometimes at least) but watching it is another thing. It is nowhere near as fun. All I did the whole 2 hours we were there was stand there. I think my mum felt bad at the end so stopped off at the shops all the way home to buy me and my brother some sweets. She said it was for my brother hard work but he didn't even win and I'm no expert but he didn't play the best. Actually he did alright who am I to say?
There wasn't really much else to do really, I ended up having an early night because I was so tired from waking up super early to go to the post office. This got me thinking about Alfie, what his face will be like when he opens it. I wonder whether he will like them or not. Maybe he might even make a video about it! Omg! Omg! Omg! Alfie is gonna open what I got him, Alfie will know of my existence. Okay,  I am getting a bit carried away and he already knows of my existence. But I just long so badly to see him again... When I think about this I remember something my grandma used to say to me when she was alive: ' good things come to people who wait' I think of the hotel I booked in Brighton and suddenly get really excited. Just wait, i tell myself. I think about Alfie all through the night until I eventually fall asleep and drift off dreaming about him.

Hi guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I hope you are enjoying the chapters of the Zalfie stalker if you are please be liking it and follow to see more. Thank you so much for your support, lots of love the_dreamangels.

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