Chapter 22- Awake

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Sapphires mums point of view
Just as I am about to exit, the doctor shouts.
" wait Mrs Henderson, she has just opened her eyes!"
Without even thinking I run out the door to find my husband who had just left several minutes before to get some coffee. I find him still waiting in the queue.
" Frank, Frank! Come quick, Sapphire has woken up!" I yell at him, drawing a lot of attention to myself. Frank immediately turns around and without even saying anything to each other, we both run back to the hospital room Sapphire is in, in unison.
Seeing my daughters eyes open for the first time in a week, is amazing! I am so lucky her eyes have opened this early since she feel into it.It could have been longer. A lot longer. The doctor tells me that I will have to wait a while to talk to her until he is fully sure what is going on and that she needs to be tested on to make sure there is no damage to her brain. When he says these words, they loom over me like a bad cold. Damage to her brain. Oh no! What could this mean for her? What could this mean for our family? What is she dosent remember me?
Frank senses my panic as we walk out and squeezes my hand. I squeeze his hand even tighter back and try desperately to get these horrible thoughts out of my head. She is gonna be fine. I replay this to myself whilst sitting on the waiting chair. While I wait, I remember something. It has almost been a week. A long, exausting, terrifying trauma of a week is nearly over.This means that Mum will be dropping Zed off soon and our stay that I booked is nearly up. I almost punch myself for not realising this sooner. It is like ever since this has happened I have just lost all concept of time and my mind is in a whirl. I remember Frank saying something to me about hotels and stuff but I told him to talk about it tomorrow after a busy, stressful, late night at the hospital.
I look at my watch and see it is almost 9pm. Visiting hours close at 10pm. I now get why tests have to be delayed till tomorrow. It is late. When I get my phone out I realise I have a text from Zed that was send 3 hours ago that I haven't yet seen.My mum is too old fashioned to ever have a proper phone which means I have to communicate through my 8 year old son whenever they go out.
Zed: " hi mum nanny said is 11 good to drop me off"
They don't know.
They don't know what has happened to Sapphire. They don't know the week I have been though. Hell.
I decide not to tell them when I type a reply because it will only cause unwanted stress. I know my mum should know but as I say I am communicating though my younger son therefore at this stage it is too confusing to tell him, over text anyway, I don't really know what's going on at the moment, do I?
I settle with not telling them and type a reply making up an excuse which means Zed can stay a little while longer and put my phone down.
Only one more thing to do, the hotel.
I am about to dial their number when my husband looks over at me from the only spare seat he has chosen to sit on across the room.
" What you doing?.." He says." Keeping busy to take your mind off things?"
I have never thought about it like that before. Perhaps I should do that more often. Keep myself with something to do to stop me thinking about the possible negative outcomes that my daughter could be facing.
"Just about to increase our hotel stay" I answer him.
" Oh don't worry about that, all done"
Great! So now I have nothing to take my mind of things. Just bare hospital grubby walls and uncomfortable waiting room chairs.
We sit and wait and fewer and fewer people are left. A seat is free next to me and my husband comes and sits down on it. I rest my head against his shoulder and my eyes slowly begin to close.
" Everything is going to be okay" he whispers into my ear. This time I actually begin to believe him.
Just when my mind is at ease and the negative thoughts have flown away from it and I about to fall into a lovely much needed sleep, I hear the nurse say, " Mr and Mrs Henderson..."

There's your update... Enjoy!

Zalfie StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now