Twenty Seven

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"Vikk, I don't know what to do. My heart; it hurts so fucking much." I cry over the phone.

His end is silent before he quietly says, "so come back." He quickly hangs up before I can reply.

"Idontknowidontknowidontknowidontknow." I mutter to myself as I fall into a deeper depression.

My stomach rumbles and I sneak into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and having a couple bites before tossing it. "I'm leaving!" I yell, walking out the door before anyone can answer.

I step out of the complex and notice the rain is falling heavily. I ignore it and step into the cold rain, walking and walking until I reach the pier on the ocean. The waves churn beneath my feet, huge and ominous. I sit down on the edge, staring at the horizon, the inevitable feeling of emptiness and depression filling me.

I'm not wanted here.

Suddenly, a huge wave crashes against the pier, knocking me off guard. I start to fall off; I close my eyes, waiting for my inevitable death.

But it doesn't come.

Instead, someone grabs tightly onto my wrist and pulls me into a tight embrace. "Oh my god, you scared me so much." He slightly cries into my shoulder.

"I-it's okay." I croak out.

"I should be the one reassuring you." He replies, taking a step away from me so I can just barely see his face. I slightly smile at him. He stands there with disheveled hair; jeans, a red t-shirt and an adidas jacket, completely soaked.

"Thanks, Jake." I hug him tightly, and he is slow to respond but ends up wrapping his arms around me (A/N: Number 2).

At that exact moment, I shiver, remembering the cold weather. "Here." He says, draping his jacket over me.

"Thanks, Jake." I whisper, and he nods.

"What we're you doing out here?" He asks, a shadow over his eyes.

"I don't know." I sigh. "I've just been really depressed lately."

"Caitlin, suicide is not the answer." Jake says with emotion.

"Sorry." I reply.

"Caitlin, you don't understand. I can't lose you, too." Jake says, a tear starting to fall down his face.

I take a step closer and wipe it away. "What are you talking about?" I sincerely ask.

"F-first I lost my dad, then I lost Allie and I can't lose you too." He replies, tears starting to fall down his face.

"J-Jake... What do you mean?" I ask, grabbing his hands from his face and holding onto them tightly.

"My father.... He died from cancer, you know that. Allie and I were together and now she left me. And I can't lose you too because... You're all I have left! I'll be nothing without you!" He cries out, for the whole world to hear.

"J-Jake." I mutter, holding onto his hands tighter. He slips his hands from my grip.

"You're my friend, Caitlin. I can't lose you. I just can't." He cries out, and I immediately wrap my arms around his waist, leaning into his chest.

A tear rolls down my face at him. The strong Jake, who I thought could never break is broken. "I won't leave you, Jake. I'm here." I whisper, loud enough for him to hear. He wraps his arm around me in response and we hug each other tightly as the waves violently crash against the pier.
"W-we should go. You're freezing, Jake." I stutter.

"Alright." He replies, and we let go of each other. I grab his hand and we walk close to each other, exiting the pier.

"Where to?" I ask.

"Come to my place. You can stay over and borrow some clothes while they dry." He says, and I nod, grateful.

He knows the whole Lachlan story.
"Here." Jake says, tossing me one of his shirts and shorts.

"Thanks." I reply, walking into his bathroom and throwing on the clothes. It's a little big but it will do. I use a towel to help dry my hair. By the time I emerge from the bathroom, Alex is already dressed and heading downstairs.

"Is some soup okay?" He asks, turning towards me.

"Is it your legendary soup?" I eagerly ask him.

"Yes." He responds, smiling.

"I want to watch!" I yell, running towards him and past him down the stairs.

His soup is literal heaven.
Jake drops me off at my place and I open the front door, immediately tackled to the ground. "W-what?" I confusedly ask, just noticing the blonde hair.

"Where were you? I was so scared, oh my gosh." Lachlan says, getting off of me, he offers me a hand and I accept, not quite looking him in the eye.

"I stayed over at a friends'." I respond. To be honest, it's the partial truth.

"Is that all?" He asks.

I can't tell him that I kinda attempted suicide because of him.

"Yeah, that's it." I respond, pushing past him and grabbing something to eat before heading to my room.

A hand lands on my arm, stopping me. "You've been distant lately. What's wrong?" He concernedly asks.

I internally sigh, closing my eyes and refusing to face him. "It's nothing, Lachlan."

"It is to me." He says, and my heart skips a beat. No, please stop. He turns me to face him. "What's wrong?" He asks again.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I got fired, alright? You happy now?" I respond, stressed and hurt.

His eyes slightly widen at my announcement. "What? How?"

"It's none of your business." I snap back.

"Please, Cait. I just want to help you." He says.

"Well maybe I don't want your help." I respond, getting angry at him.

How can he say such things when he broke my heart?

"Cait, please." He begs.

"Don't call me Cait. You don't deserve it after what you've done." I huff, turning on my heel and walking into my room before he can respond. I fall into my bed, screaming into the pillow and letting out all my bottled up feelings.

One Hope {A Lachlan Fanfic} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt