Dear 8: Song Undone

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What did it leave behind?
What did it take from us and wash away?
It may be long
But with our hearts start a new
And keep it up and not give up
With our heads held high

- Be The Light

After posting a photo on Instagram, a notification from Youtube popped on my cellphone.

Winter Sonata OneTwoOne just uploaded a video: Iris | Goo Goo Dolls (cover)

I smiled widely. I subscribed to her Youtube channel using OOR channel. I remembered her ecstatic voice when we called her yesterday. She's indeed surprised.

I clicked the video right away. She's so cool wearing that flannel shirt with black top. Her hair is a bit messy because of dreadlocks but it just made her more appealing to the eye.

Or, more appealing to my eyes.

I shook my head while watching her latest cover song. I must be crazy now. How a girl can be cool and hot at the same time?

Winter is too far from the models that I followed on Instagram but heck, she's so appealing without trying hard. Her talent is a major turn on.

So, this is what CL is telling me yesterday. They celebrated Winter's birthday in advance. I hit Like after the song ended.

"New cover song?" I almost jumped in surprise as Toru spoke behind me.

"Y-yeah." I answered as he click the vid again.

"Iris? Cool. Ryota, Tomoya come over here and watch!" He said.

"What is it?" Ryota and Tomoya asked.

"New cover song of my idol!" Ryota grinned when he saw Winter singing.

"We almost have the same hair color." Tomoya added. Winter's hair color is blue green.

"I wish we could meet her when we go on a summer vacation at her country. I want an autograph from her!"

"That's possible, Ryota. CL knows her so there's a chance that we can meet her." Toru informed.

"Toru's right I'm excited to meet her! how 'bout you, Taka?" Tomoya asked.

"Me? I said to her Youtube channel that I want to do a collab with her so I'm eager to meet her too."

"Alright!" Tomoya and Ryota said in unison.

The three of us shifted our gaze to Toru because his phone rang.

"Hello, CL?" The three of us mouthed an 'O' to Toru. We're aware that CL is a big fan of Toru. He set his phone on a loudspeaker.

[Hi, Torubabes! Is it true that you'll be coming here for a beach outing?]

"Yes. Who told you?"

[Tomoya told me!] We all looked at Tomoya. He gave us a peace sign.

"I see. We'll be there for a week."

[What's the name of the resort?]

"Hidden Paradiso!" Tomoya interrupted.

[Oh, hi Papa Tomato! I'm on a loudspeaker, right? Hidden Paradiso is such a nice place. My friends Janis and Zandrei got a resto bar there. You should check that!]


[Wish I could see you guys but I'm a bit busy with E.R.R.O.R and I have a tour to France.]

"There's always next time, CL. Say ho to Lyric for us."

[Sure! Got to go. Bye guys! Mwah!] We all laughed as we imagined CL sent us a flying kiss.

"Come on, let's pack our things! Tomorrow's our flight and I'm eager to see that resort." I said enthusiastically.

"The resort or...Winter?" Toru teased.

"Stop teasing me. We're not even sure if Winter will go to Hidden Paradiso." I groaned.

"Why don't we tell her to go there?" Ryota suggested.

"Silly. What if she's busy?" I interjected.

"Or maybe not." Tomoya grinned.

"Okay, enough of that. Let's pack up now and sleep early. Our flight tomorrow is 6AM."

"Yes, Sir Yamashita!" The three of us said while giving a salute to Toru.

"Crazy." Toru just shook his head while heading to his room.


While arranging my things for our beach outing with Ellie tomorrow, I noticed my old notebook hidden inside my traveling bag. I've been looking for this for so long and I forgot that I left it here.

I used to write some poems and unfinished song lyrics in this notebook. I smiled as I saw one of my song undone.

Will you save me from this abyss?
Will you take away my pain?
Will you fight my inner demons?
Will you save my dying soul?

Oh, I need a warrior
Just to save me from this tangled life I'm in
Oh, will you come to me
Come to me

"Hope that I can finish you when we go to Hidden Paradiso." I decided to bring the notebook along with my journal.

"I'm done!" I only packed one medium size traveling bag. I didn't need too much clothes, only the comfortable ones.

Since it's my free time now, I opened my Youtube channel. I was so shocked because of the positive comments I received for my cover of Iris. If I'm not busy, I'll upload again a cover song. Maybe a We The Kings song.

I watched again some ONE ON ROCK vids. I'm amazed at their stamina in performing live. They're so full of energy!

"Oh my God! Taka can jump that high?!" I gaped as Taka jumped almost 5 feet high in one of their live performance. "Amazing!"

It's almost 11PM when I'm done watching. I need to sleep now. Ellie says that she will come here tomorrow. We'll be using her car.

I grabbed first my journal to write some few words before I sleep.


Dear 10969 Frontman,

Wow, just wow! I'm amazed that you can jump so high! Can you teach me that? You're so amazing as well as the three other members of ONE OK ROCK. You're so full of energy onstage! I love how your fans are very supportive especially Japanese fans! I envy them because they're so near to you and can watch your gigs in Japan.

Hope to watch you in flesh one of these days. Goodnight! Need to sleep now because Ellie and I will go to Hidden Paradiso tomorrow to celebrate my birthday.

Winter ❤


Yay, two POV's in one chapter! So, there's a possibility that Winter and Ellie will going to meet our OOR boys 😁

That's Ellie Melendrez on the photo.

Dear 10969 Frontman | Taka Moriuchi FF √Where stories live. Discover now