Dear 15: Affectionate Guys and Pretentious Girls

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So now my time is up
Your game starts, my heart moving?
Past time has no meaning for us, it's not enough
Will we make it better or just stand here longer?
Say it, "We can't end here 'til we can get it enough!"

- Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer (Complete Awareness Dreamer)

A/N: Play the vid while reading this chapter.

"Come with me." I held her hand and almost dragged her to our hotel room. Don't get me wrong, my bandmates and her bestfriend Ellie were there, too.

"Where are we going? Will you please slow down a bit?! I might tripped while walking!"

I looked at her then grinned. "Want me to carry you?" She gave me a "what the heck?" look.

"I don't need one. I'm just asking you 'cause you're dragging me."

"Somewhere in Neverland."

"Oh yeah? That's All Time Low's song and for Pete's sake, I'm not Wendy." She gave me a pissed-off look. She's still cute when she's mad like that.

"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!" I want to test her if she knew this quote.

"So, you're Peter Pan now, huh?" I stopped walking and glanced at her. I smiled wider while wiggling my brows.

"No, I'm not Peter Pan because I can't fly."

"Nah. You can fly on stage." We both laughed together. She's right, I can fly too! We're crazy, right?

"Yeah, yeah. We're going to our hotel room. Your bestfriend Ellie is there with the trio." We continued walking and we can almost see the hotel where we're staying.

"How about Mel, Vane and Vito?"

"They're at Jandrei's Hangout right now. We can go there after dinner."

"Okay. So, how about our rehearsal for the upcoming celebration?"

"We'll practice tomorrow. We're only playing one or two songs so it's not that hard. Besides, you're a good performer. Ryota's your fan, you know." We're now here at the hotel lobby.

"And you?"

"I'm your senpai." I winked at her confused looking face.


"It's because I'm older than you or I can be your mentor."

"Hmm...not bad."

"Welcome to our humble room, Yuki Hime." I swiped the card key to our room. And when I opened the door, we found Tomoya and Ryota playing PS4 but on a mute while Toru and Ellie were both sitting on the couch but sleeping. Head to head.

"Sleepyheads." Winter whispered. Tomoya signed us to keep quiet.

I tiptoed while fishing out my phone. I'm going to take a photo of these two sleeping persons.

The three "awake" people groaned because of my epicness. I forgot to off the sound of the camera so both Toru and Ellie startled.

"So epic." Winter chuckled while sitting on the chair in front of the keyboard.

"That means you two need to wake up now." I gave Toru and Ellie an okay sign.

"Thanks for waking us up. In an epic way." Ellie smiled.

We all shifted our gazes to Winter because she started to play some keys on the keyboard.

"Winter, can you sing for us?" Ryota rushed to Winter's side. Fanboy level: Godlike.

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