Chapter 19

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All of you turned around the corner and walked until u saw  Winston's house. The house was huge, extending right across the gardens and up what looked like 3 floors. The walls were all made out of a grand cream-coloured stone with ivy curling up the sides. The entrance was also grand with a huge double oak door and a large brass knocker.

U turned to the others, suddenly nervous, "Dylan... Are u sure this is the place? It's massive!"
"Positive- Winston's a pretty rich guy, he inherited loads of money from his grandparents after they died."
U could already hear the music pounding through the house and out the windows, "OK then guys.... Let's do this crazy house party!"
U all cheered, and proceeded to push open the door and walk into the busy house.

As soon as u entered, a slightly tipsy Winston walked up to u and slapped Dylan on the back, "Hey guys!!! Welcome to my parrrtyy! Have fun but don't break stuff! Bueeee"
"Umm ok Winst-"
Dylan tried to talk to Winston but he'd already walked off towards the bar. You followed him and each got a glass of champagne. U then proceeded to make ur way through the crowds of dancing drunk people and towards the door to a smaller room with a few less people and better music. Thomas smiled at u "ahh much better."

"You're right, it's much better. But I just need to go find a drink of water. I'll be back in a minute" Thomas kissed ur cheek and nodded, "OK, but don't get lost!"

U made ur way back through the noisy main hall and went into a kitchen, getting yourself a glass of water.
"Y/N!!!!!! I can't believe you're here, what a coincidence!!!"
Bob made his way up to u, not drunk but not as sober as you saw him before.
U smiled awkwardly, "Oh umm hi Mr Newton"
"Please, call me Bob! Anyway, I don't see this famous boyfriend of yours.... Dare I get my hopes up?"
"Actually 'Bob', I was just getting a glass of water so now I'm going back to him. Goodbye"
U turned to go, but Bob grabbed ur wrist, causing u to drop ur glass. It shattered everywhere, the glass cutting your leg. U gasped then as u were taken back to another night in another building with another man, as that drug dealer grabbed ur wrist and pulled you to the basement...
"Stop fighting me y/n. I really don't want to hurt u. I just want to show u the feelings I've had for u ever since I saw u."
Then he kissed u, his scratchy beard brushing against ur chin and u struggled against him. You wanted more than anything to slap him, but he held ur wrists tightly around him.

What the hell were u going to do!?


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