Chapter 37

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"Y/N, y/n did u hear me?"
U nodded silently until it really hit u. Then u screamed and hugged him like you'd never hugged him before. "Oh my god Thomas!!!! Of course I'll go to Italy with u!!!!!!!! Do u have any idea how romantic that is?!"
He laughed and took ur hands in his, "Now I don't have as much money as u deserve, so we can only go for 3 days- 2 of which will be spent travelling, but I promise u y/n, I will try to make it as special as I can for us. We've been through hell and back these past months and I want to make it up to u."
"Oh Thomas baby, it's all been worth it anyway! Because I've had the chance to be with u! U have nothing to make up to me honey."
He grinned at u, his face going coy, "ohhh I see. So shall I just cancel this romantic holiday?"

U laughed and playfully hit his arm, "No way! I've got to pack!"
"No u don't, it's not for 2 weeks yet!"
"Well there is lots to pack you know."
U both laughed and cuddled together on ur little sofa, Arthur coming and curling up next to u.
U both stroked your cat, his delicate grey and white striped head resting against Thomas' knee as he purred with delight.
"Awwww," u both said at the same time and laughed.
In that moment as u laid ur head on Thomas' shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around ur waist. U realised how perfect this moment was.


U woke up at 9am and breathed a sigh of happiness as u saw Thomas watching u.
"Good morning"
"Morning beautiful"
Today was going to be a good day.

You had invited Edie and Charlotte over to ur house for a drink, as holly was out on some romantic date with Dylan.
Charlotte looked extremely well and jumped for joy when she heard about the holiday, but somehow Edie seemed different- like she had something on her mind. U tried to ask her what was wrong. "Oh, nothing y/n. I'm fine. It's Winston that I'm worried about."
"Oh Edie- are things not going well between u guys?"
"No it's not that.... He's low on money, and I'm scared that if something doesn't change we're gonna get kicked out of our flat. I was trying to work out a way I could make some money but I can't get another job with college and..." upon noticing the sad atmosphere in the room, Edie looked up startled and shook her head, "oh god y/n I'm so sorry, this is ur special news and I'm ruining it with my silly problems- I'll just go. Thanks for tea."
Before you or Charlotte could protest, Edie had grabbed her bag and left the house in an awkward flash.
"Shit. She's really in a muddle, huh," u said to Charlotte, "has she said anything else to u and Minho?"
"No," Charlotte replied sadly, "I'm like u, y/n, I've barely seen her in months. I don't know how good this Winston is for her..."

When Thomas came home from work, u and Charlotte and u were sat laughing on the sofa at Arthur as he played with a ball of wool on the carpet. As soon as u heard the door close, you jumped up and kissed Thomas passionately on the lips, ur feet rising onto tiptoes as he lifted u up.
"Hey baby, what's up?"
U noticed the concerned look on Thomas' face and steered him to the sofa, making him sit down and talk to u and Charlotte.

"Hey Thomas," said Charlotte, "what's up?"
"It's Edie guys. I saw Winston leaving some dodgy strip club with some other guys. Edie was just walking out of ur house actually, and when she saw him she went mad, asking him what the hell he was doing and why he was wasting all her money. He started arguing back and calling her the most awful names... Anyway. He hit her. She got punched right in the eye and before I could do anything she'd been shoved into his car and driven back to the flat. We know Edie- shes not gonna back down. I'm scared of what he's gonna do to her y/n. I really am."

U both sat there on the sofa, breathing heavily and exchanging worried looks with Charlotte and ur boyfriend. U were worried about Edie....

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