Chapter 65

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You got home at about midnight. All you did on the plane was sleep, cuddle and make out with Thomas, talk to your friends, listen to music etc. Every time your in a plane it always seems like it's a longer journey back home to actually going there on the first flight. When you got your suitcases you and Thomas said good bye to Edie, Charlotte and Minho. You went up to Edie first "hey I'm so happy you had some fun on this trip and you met a really cool guy, I hope it works out with you two" you explained to Edie whilst giving her a hug. When you pulled away she said " don't worry I had more fun than you think, and yh me too. We're gunna Skype and call each other everyday until we next meet up." You smiled "that's great news". You walked up to Charlotte next "I'm sorry things  got a little intense on holiday, and remember me and Thomas will help you every step of the way with this pregnancy" you then gave her a big hug. "Yh in still so sorry about how things went " "don't apologise, it's already forgotten " you interrupted her. "Yh well anyway, I know you guys will be here for me. Your such a good friend " she answered pulling out of the hug. You then turned to Minho and pulled him to into a hug whispering so only he could hear" take good care of her, I know you will though. Keep us updated and thanks for being there for us this week" he hugged back before stepping back nodding his head and said "I will and your welcome, anytime ".
You and Thomas got into the back seats of Dylan and Hollys car and waved at Charlotte, Edie and Minho as their figures grew smaller and smaller before they disappeared as Dylan drove you back to your house.

It was a 20 minute drive but time flew fast as you were already getting out the car onto the front porch. You embraced holly and Dylan in a 2 way hug and said "thanks guys for an amazing holiday, keep in touch. We're see you soon". "Byee, thanks for a great week " holly squealed as Dylan said "thanks, see you soon" then they said their goodbyes to Thomas before driving off down the street to their house. You grabbed the keys and stepped into your house. You turned all the lights on and you heard scattering coming down the hall. You then saw your beautiful cat trip trooping  with his nails scratching the floors surface. He went through your legs before sitting down on Thomas's foot,  his tail wrapped up his leg and the cat purred in delight. You chuckled "looks like he missed his favourite " you said smiling. Thomas looked down sheepishly to the cat trying to pry him of his foot which made you laugh.

Later on you were all unpacked and in bed. You and Thomas shared your good nights before you both fell into a dreamless sleep.

You woke up to the sunlight shining through the closed orange curtains giving the room a sunset glow. You turned over to see Arthur in Thomas's space on the bed. He was sniffing his pillow, taking in Thomas's sent. You swore this cat loved him nearly as much as you. Nope. Impossible. You slid out of bed, landing with a thud. You grabbed your dressing gown and strolled down into the kitchen. You saw Arthur scatter past you and when you arrive in the kitchen you saw Thomas leaning over the stove with only his joggers on and the stupid cat sat on his feet again. Stupid cat you thought. Thomas must of heard you come in because he turned around and came up to you, giving you a hug. Along the way he kicked the cat away from him making the cat trail back into the bedroom probably to sit on his pillow again. He gave you a kiss and you kissed back. You both headed over to the stove  to see Thomas has Cooked up a storm. Sausages, bacon, tomatoes, hash browns, French toast and mushrooms. Upon seeing the food you leaned  up and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.  You both ate the breakfast and talked and laughed about pointless stuff. You put everything in the dish washer and turned it on whilst Thomas turned on the washing machine. You both then got dressed for the day. You wore a crop top, same on you wore on holiday but in pink, some skinny jeans and you put your hair up into a messy ponytail. Thomas had a top that showed his arm muscles and six pack clearly defined underneath. He also wore some black jeans and black trainers whilst you wore your flats. You grabbed your bag and you both ran out the door. You drove you both to Tescos cuz you had no food in the house. You grabbed a shopping trolley and grabbed the basics and some ingredients for a cake. You had a secret you were gunna write on the cake and give to Thomas. Tom came back with some more food and some extra ingredients that he kept hidden from you. You went to pay but Thomas beat you to it. You knew it was stupid but you could clearly see that the till person was checking out Thomas's body so you got jealous. You grabbed Thomas by the waist and roughly kissed him infront of the bitch. She scoffed and Thomas giggled at the fact you were very jealous. Thomas went to drive home but you told him to go to the town centre for clothes shopping. He sighed but obeyed.

You got in after hours of shopping and you both unpacked the food and clothes and other stuff you picked up which Thomas calls shite. You sent him away for a bit so you could make the cake and he said he wanted to go to the gym anyway. An hour later the cake was done and decorated and Thomas came in with a box in his hands. You led him to the kitchen counter where the cake was covered up and he slid his box next to your box. You both realised that you both made a cake for each other and you laughed at the same time. You both agreed to lift up the lid at the same time. "Count to 3" Thomas said. "1" "2" ... "3"!
You both lifted the box and on both  cakes said something different...

Yours said "ur gunna be a dad!"

His said "will you marry me ?" With a ring next to it...


Hope you readers all enjoyed this fanfic we wrote. I will post a sequel soon, I'll tell you when the first chapter is up! Xxx

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