Chapter 43

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"It all started when I was 11. My parents, Rachel and John used to really put me down. Now, I was never much of a sports person, but my Dad loved them- especially football. He used to sign me up to so many clubs and trials without even telling me beforehand. Well, when I had to do these clubs and trials I failed miserably. I could never quite hit the ball where it was supposed to go. Anyway, one time we were playing in the garden and I accidentally hit the ball and..." Thomas stopped for breath, the words pouring out of him with no sign of ceasing.
"Y/N, I hit him. I hit him in the head with the ball so hard he nearly passed out. Well, my Dad was never the calmest of people- and he flipped. He hit and kicked me. He told me I was useless, that I would never amount to anything because I couldn't even play football like all the other boys in my class. 2 of the other boys happened to be the ones I went to see just now. Ric and Jim. My Dad loved them when I was little. He used to invite them round our house for tea and make me play with them even though they bullied me. I haven't seen them much these last few years, but some part of me feels I owe it to my Dad to keep seeing them. I don't know. I guess I am just useless after all. Dads dead now too, and my Mother died shortly after him. She wasn't much better either when I was little, she'd just sit and watch like nothing was happening when my dad beat me for not winning the match or not making it onto the school team. I tried to talk to someone about it, truly I did, but what could I do? They were my parents. And like they always said- they knew best. So I took that to heart and started cutting myself. I just thought if even the people who were supposed to care about me most in the world thought I was no good, how could anyone else ever think differently? I'm sorry y/n, I should've told u. But I'm really not that bad anymore. I realise that my dad wasn't the best Father to me, but whenever I see Ric and Jim again, I turn back into the frightened depressed little kid I was before."
He sighed with that last sentence and sat there as if waiting to be punished. Instead u hugged him close and ran ur fingers through his hair.
"Oh Thomas," u said with tears in ur eyes, "that's just awful. Ur parents were completely wrong about u. Ur not useless- u could never be useless to me!! And if you thought no one could ever think differently of u? Look around u! You're surrounded by people who love and care for u Thomas- don't let some stupid bastards u knew once stop u from knowing that."
He smiled down at u and pulled u into a fierce hug as Arthur curled himself around his leg.
"Aww y/n. U always know just what to say. Now, didn't we have some packing to do?"

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