You can't leave me in this world of Politics.

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Setting: Political Animals.

You truly felt you were worthless. TJ'd father had hated you, and TJ was falling further and further down this hole of depression, and nothing you've said so far was working.

But you didn't hold that against him. Depression was tough, and you knew it-having gone through it yourself.

Here, you sat, a bottle of amoxicillin in hand. You hated days like these. Ed Sheeran nights.

Emptying the last five pills into your hand, you emptied three in the water bottle and swallowed two.

"Whatever happens, can you promise that you won't leave me in this world of politics?" You nodded leaning into TJ's side.

"Never would I ever, Thomas."

Just then your phone rang, and you stood stumbling the drugs quickly making their way to your system. "Hello? Um-Ms.Hammond?"

"Y/N, it's TJ. He's-He's not breathing, we-we're following the ambulance now."

"Oh-oh my god." TJ had tried to commit? "I can't right now..Could you have someone come pick me up?"

"Of course, Darling. I'll have someone there in 15." You covered your mouth to keep from sobbing before she hung up.

TJ had tried to commit.


"Y/N, thank god you're here." Mr.Hammond eyes you suspiciously. You had gotten the drugs out of your system, and lightly washed up, changed your clothes and brushed your teeth so he couldn't have sensed that you had tried the exact same as TJ.

"Is he okay? What - what happened?" You murmured, looking around for your best friend.

"He - he- Alcohol and-and so many drugs.." Douglas stuttered, Anne rubbing his back in attempts to calm him.

"Y/N, come talk to me." You took Elaine's hand and let her guide you into the hall.

"You're shaking, your skin is not as bright as normal, and your eyes are beet red. What happened before you came here?" You shook your head pushing back against the hall.

"You - you can't TJ me into this, not after tonight."

"Darling, look. Whatever it was I won't judge."

"I took 1000mg of amoxicillin before you called about Thomas."


"Y-Y/N? Is she okay?" TJ whispered, and you looked over from the chair you were sat it. "Teej. Look over here." He winced as he rolled onto his cheek.

"Wh-what happened to you?"

"I almost overdosed before your mom called. 1000mg of amoxicillin." His eyes widened, and he tried to stand. "TJ, sit."

He fell back and you watched him. "You mean that if I had..then you wouldn't have even known?"

"Yeah. Almost."

"Y/N...we - we can't live like this anymore. We can't keep finding each other like this, in hospitals, overdosing on whatever's available. You promised you wouldn't leave me in this world. You promised." His eyes began to water and turn red.

"TJ, I know. I know. But sometimes it's not that easy. I wanna get better and I know you do too. So let's-lets promise."

You pulled the needle out of your arm, that they had given you to restore nutrients, along with the sticker things they used to monitor your heart rate.

"Like this." You wiped a tear from his face, blocking out the alarms. You slipped your pinky into his and he softly smiled, taking a shaky breath. "Like when we were kids."

"Yeah. I promise to you, TJ. That you will be my A&A. You will be the one I come to when I feel my worst, or when I feel like getting high again. You will be the one to save me. I won't leave you in this world of politics."

He kissed your hand, before sighing and starting his promise. "I promise to you, that I will try my hardest to get ahold of you when I feel like doing stupid things. You'll be my therapist and my best friend. We'll get through this together. Pinky swear."

"I love you, TJ."

"I live for you, Y/N."

You were going to be okay. You and TJ were going to make it through this alive. You needed to.

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