I have an idea. + Prompt #22.

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So I wanna start a story

for Tom holland/Spider-Man

So for all you lovely loyal commenters

Comment something you'd like to see happen. :)

Ily all!!



"Why are you in here?" You rolled your eyes seeing Bucky sprawled out on your bed, with no shirt on.

"Because I wanna talk."

"Well, I just got sixty stitches in one place, I'd like to sleep." You were training with Natasha, and she'd accidentally slashed your stomach while trying to get you on the mat.

"Too bad. You're not getting sleep until you talk to me."

"I'm literally talking to you right now. What do you want?" You closed the door, stripped off your shirt and hissed as you stretched. "I want to apologise."

"I want you to leave."

"Come over and make me."

You scoffed. "So you want me to listen to you, but you don't listen to me?" Of course. "I just got sixty stitches. Fuck off."


"God, you're so annoying." He followed you into the bathroom, where you dropped your leggings, and brushed your teeth.

"Okay, look. I know that I was a real dick-"

"You still are."

"Listen." When you turned around, you watched his eyes look you up and down. "I'm sorry that I was an asshole to you around everyone. I don't know what came over me, I just-"

"I accept your apology, can you leave before I tear my stitches trying to kick you out?" He sighed.

Bucky actually liked you. He only kinda hated you because of the way you acted toward him. But then again that wasn't a real reason. Was it?

"No." He took his place back on your bed. "Do you accept my apology?"

"Yes. Please leave," Bucky watched carefully as some blood seeped through the gauze. "You're bleeding.."

"Cause' I'm aggravated," You shouted. "Get out!"

God, you hated him.

Haha ur so mean..

Sebastian Stan imagines!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora