Did you just..

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@opieandstucky hehehe that song tho

Fuck. Fuck, Fuck. Gotta go holy shit.

Sebastian was pretty sure he'd ran ten red lights in the past few minutes. He was on his way to yours so that he could quickly talk you into accompanying him in seeing his mother.

Wait, shit. No, mom first.

Actually, Sebastian was speeding through red lights on his way to the airport to pick up his mother.

Today had not gone right. One, he had woken up late, Two, he'd forgotten to call you last night before you went out for your birthday, and three, he just missed his turn.

By the time he finally got to the airport, his mother was waiting outside on the phone. "Mom!"

Her head snapped up and her frown was replaced with a smile as Sebastian hugged her. "Oh Sebastian, am pierdut atât de mult!" (I missed you so much.)

"Am- şi eu." (I-me too.) Sebastian hadn't realised how much he missed his Mother's scent.

"Can I make a quick call? My friend said she'd come with us to lunch."

"Of course, Sebastian." Once his mom had been seated in the front seat, he shut the door and quickly called you.

"What the fuck, Sebastian? It's nine a.m.?" You whimpered, and Sebastian was glad he had turned the Bluetooth off. "Y/N, you should get dressed, I'm coming to get you."

"Why the hell would you do that? I have the worst fucking headache, Shit. MOVE YOUR ARM, HOE." Sebastian winced at your yelling. "Shh, Y/N, my-"

"You're such a whiny bitch you know that? Not you, Seb. You're great. I love you."

"My mom's in the car."


Let's just say you and Sebastian were given a stern talking to once you got to lunch.

Sebastian Stan imagines!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora