Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

We walked downstairs and they were already outside! My relatives, friends and the Cabellos! "Oh gosh, there she is" Y/N said quietly I then noticed she saw Camila. I smile and we walk to her "Camz!" She jumped and when she saw me she chuckled "Hey Laur!" she then hugged me tight. "Oh i want you to meet Y/N, she's a Harmonizer!" i saw Y/N looked at her excitedly and smile Camila smiled widely and gave her famous koala hugs. "HI! It's very nice to meet you" Camila said i saw Y/N getting shy again and that made me smile, they started talking and i began to get hungry. I slip my hand in Y/N's making her look at me I smile at her "Are you hungry? Cause i am" i said "Oh, yeah sure" she said nodding "We'll just get some food alright Camz?" she nodded and then winked at me. I rolled my eyes and then walked to get food, as we got our food we walk to a table and eat. Our backyard was full of people! and i can see Camila is hanging out with Vero and Lucy.

I looked over to Y/N and she was smiling while eating her food "This tastes so delicious Lauren!" she said smiling widely, i giggle and sneakily wrap an arm around her waist. "Really? My dad made them" i said she nodded "Mr Jauregui is the best!" i laugh and can't help but stare at her lovingly. I don't know why but i feel like i'm starting to have a crush on her... oh shit. I have a crush on her.... on a fan..... oh my god! I didn't know that was possible, i wonder if i can take her out for a date in public. I might have to talk to our manager since rumors might start and shit, but hmm... i'll think about that soon. "LAUREN!" we jumped and i saw my brother "Hey Chris!" i then hugged him, he smiled and then look over to Y/N "Woah" he said i look at him confused and then i saw him sit next to Y/N. "Hey, i'm Ch-" "Chris Jauregui" she said chuckling he look at her confused "How'd you know that?" he asked Y/N shyly smiled "I'm a Harmonizer" she said Chris looked at me and i smiled.

"Oh cool, you're a fan of Fifth Harmony! And you are so beautiful, may i have your name?" i rolled my eyes at my brother, "Her name is Y/N you may go now Chris" i said pulling Y/N to me. He chuckled "Nah, i might have to stay here for a bit" he said then started flirting with Y/N, Oh hell no! "Y/N?" she look at me and smiled cutely "yes?" i got her hand "you're done eating right?" she nodded drinking her coke. "Yup, all done" i smile "Good, let's go" i said standing up pulling her with me, "wait what about your brother?" she asked looking at Chris who was pouting. "Ugh man up dude" i said glaring at Chris, he then smirked and winked at me "i get it now sis" he said laughing "Go away" i said and pulled Y/N with me. We walk to my friends and then they smiled and began talking to Y/N and i, i pulled Y/N to my lap since there was no chairs anymore. It looked like she doesn't have a problem with it so i just wrap my arms around her waist.

I saw Camz looking at me and she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows, i blush and buried my face to Y/N's neck she then started to giggle "That tickles" she mumble i smile and hugged her tighter. She's such a cutie oh my gosh. I placed my chin on her shoulder as i listen to their conversation, and once again i locked eyes with Camila, she pointed to her phone making me sigh. I got my phone out and saw a text from her, i unwrap one arm from Y/N's waist since i had to text.

Camz: I see you have a little crush on our little Harmonizer fan? *smirk*

Me: Fuck you Camz, she's just my friend i met today.

Camz: Mhmm... FRIEND alright. Don't worry Lo, i ship you guys! I mean come on, you two looks so cute right now. You like hug her protectively as she plays with your fingers.

Plays with my fingers? i then felt her hands on my hand playing with my fingers. Oh. I glared at Camila and she laugh.

Camz: It's cute Lo!

Me: Ugh leave me alone Caaaamz.

Camz: *smirk* let's talk privately, come with me.

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