Chapter 19

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- Months later -

Your POV

The girls and Lauren are playing basketball with The Vamps and i just woke up from my sleep, i washed my face and then went out of the bus then walk towards the girls and The Vamps. I saw Brad behind Lauren and he was teaching Lauren how to play basketball, i frown and walk to them "Hi" i greeted "Hold on Y/N" Lauren said and then giggled when Brad stole the ball from her then they started chasing each other. I sighed and just sat down on the bench alone, but then Camila came to me and hugged me "Hey? Are you okay?" she asked as she sat next to me, i nodded "Yeah, i'm fine" i mumble smiling a bit at her. Last month, Lauren and Brad kept hanging out with each other and i kept getting jealous well because i can't fucking help it. Lauren kept telling me not to be jealous but i can't really help it, when she kept being cute with him, she allows Brad to like wrap his arms around her waist now and i try so hard to not push him. So whenever i get jealous i just stay silent.

"Hey Y/N" i look up and saw Lauren smiling at me but then frown "What's wrong?" she asked i shrug she sighed and then got my hand and we walk to the bus which was empty. "What is it?" she asked "Nothing Lauren" i said she crossed her arms "Are you jealous again?" i frown "i can't help it Lauren" she rolled her eyes "Y/N, how many times do i have to tell you not to get jealous?" i frown "Lauren, i really can't help it. Cause Brad is now like wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek. It's really hard not to be jealous and a bit angry." she glared at me a bit "He's my friend Y/N we talked about this already" she said "I know, but can you please tell him not to touch you like that?" i ask "He's my friend, he can do that. Friends do that Y/N. The girls kiss your cheek right? So it's normal!" she snapped "It looks like he likes you Lauren, and why are you mad?" i ask "Because i'm tired with you being jealous! you always stay silent and like avoid me and i kept telling you the same thing it's kinda getting annoying" she said annoyed, i bit my lip and just ran out of the bus. 

I went to Ariana's bus and saw her chilling on her front lounge "Oh hey Y/N, what's up?" she said sitting up i sigh and sat next to her "Lauren's mad at me..." i said frowning "Aw, what happened?" i sigh "I got jealous again, and then she said she was tired of me getting jealous because i like "avoid" her, and she kept telling me the same things and she said it was getting annoying." she frown "Brad kept holding her like she was his girlfriend now and Lauren said it's like a friendly way, like friends do that" Ariana shook her head. "I understand you" i sighed sadly "Can i go in an empty bunk?" she nodded "yeah sure" she said smiling, i nodded and then went to a bunk and just laid there. Is Lauren startnig to get annoyed with me? What if i am annoying her and she doesn't want me to go with her on this tour anymore? I then have to go home. This is our first fight... it's kinda childish though but like the way Brad is holding her is wrong! He knows Lauren has a girlfriend. 

I always get jealous, maybe because Lauren's my first love and i was afraid she'll leave me alone and i'll be broken hearted. Yeah maybe. I sigh and then just close my eyes, i just woke up from my nap a while ago, but right now i feel like sleeping again so i did. 

Dinah's POV

I was sitting with Mani and we were both jamming to Beyonce until Lauren ruined it "have you guys seen Y/N?" she asked we shake our heads "No, why?" i ask her she sighed frustratedly and sat next to me. "I kinda snapped at her" she mumble i look at her confused "Why Laurenza?" she frown "She was getting jealous again and it was kinda getting annoying" she said i rolled my eyes and slap her arm "Ow!" she glared at me and rub her arm. "Dude you're stupid" Normani said Lauren rolled her eyes "Gee thanks Mani" she said sarcastically "She has a right to be jealous Lauren, she's your girlfriend and like Brad is like holding you like you're his" Mani said i nodded "Yeah, i kinda noticed that too. No wonder Y/N is always silent and frowny" Lauren groaned "We're just friends! Friends do that!" Lauren whined "You kidding me? Can't you see Brad likes you? So he's like doing his moves on you and you allow him?" Lauren glared at me. "You guys aren't helping me" she said standing up.

"Just be thankful that Y/N really loves you Lauren. She's jealous because you rarely give her your attention now" Normani said Lauren stared at the ground probably thinking, she then sighed and walked away. I sighed loudly "Oh Lauren, i hope you fix this" i mumble to myself Normani nodded "Yeah, my ship should not sink" i nodded agreeing with her.

Lauren's POV

It was already like 7pm so the girls and i went inside the bus, i went to our bunk thinking Y/N will be in there, but once i opened the curtains she wasn't there. I frown and then went to the back lounge she wasn't here too, i went to the bathroom but it was empty i checked the other bunks and she wasn't here. "Girls, Y/N is not here!" i said worriedly "It's okay Laur, she's safe" Camila said nodding i look at her confused "Where the fuck is she?" i ask her she sighed "Ari's tour bus" i frown "Why is she there?" she shrug and then went to her bunk. I got my phone and called her, she didn't answer my first three calls which made me frustrated, maybe she's asleep? I went inside our bunk and felt really sad. I think i'm being a jerk. Maybe Brad is holding me really weirdly, i should not allow him do that, i have a girlfriend. Normani and Dinah are right. Ugh, i should fucking fix this, i remembered that i am Y/N's first love so she can be very jealous. To be honest? I will be very jealous when someone holds her like that. Oh gosh i'm so stupid. I can't help but feel guilt and sadness attacking me.

I couldn't sleep, it's like 12:30am now and i still couldn't sleep. The guilt is killing me, then the empty space beside me makes me really upset, pillows are not enough, i really need Y/N beside me. She makes me feel loved and safe, but i fucked up so now she's at Ariana's bus. I have to talk to her tomorrow and apologize. 


Next day, we were all going to eat breakfast in Waffle House. I didn't really have a good sleep last night, i slept like for three hours i missed Y/N that bad, also the guilt inside me is growing. As we sat down the door opened, i look up sleepily then saw Y/N and Ariana ordering food, i blinked and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and walked to her "Y/N?" i called she turned to me and frown "Yeah?" i bit my lip "Can we talk please?" she nodded and then we walk outside the Waffle House. When we got outside i saw her looking down playing with her fingers "I'm so sorry" i finally said she nodded "It's okay" she mumble "No really Y/N, i'm so sorry. I was so stupid for allowing him to hold me like that and i'll admit, if someone holds you like that i'll be super jealous too. So i'm so sorry, i promise i won't get mad at you anymore when you're jealous. It's still cute though" she smiled at me sweetly and then hugged me. I sighed in relief and hugged her tight, cuddling my face to her neck. 

"Do you promise to tell him not to hold you like that ever again?" she said i nodded "Yes baby, i promise. I'm so sorry, i'll give all of my attention to you from now on" i said "Lauren, i want you to socialize too" she said giggling i smiled "I know, but i'll make sure to give you attention" she nodded she cupped my cheeks then gave me a soft kiss. "I love you" she mumble against our lips i smile "I love you too nugget, i told you we might have our ups and downs but we will find a way to make it up to each other" she smiled and held my hands. "Come on let's eat" i nodded and then we went inside Waffle House together and sat next to each other, once again we're finally back! Ugh i missed her, even though we just fought yesterday. I just don't like being away from Y/N, she makes me happy and i love it when we cuddle. 

Few hours later, i was walking to the bus by myself since we just finished sound check oh and we were now in a different destination. I was about to go inside the bus to get my iPod since i left it, but i was stopped by Brad "Hey Lauren, i have to tell you something" he said i looked at him confused and nodded. "Are you and Y/N together? Like is it real?" i chuckle "Yes, why?" i asked curiously he cleared his throat "I kinda like her" i squint my eyes "What do you mean? Like, like her as a friend?" he shook his head "No, like... more than that. She probably hates me, because i tried "flirting" with you. Well i just did that to be closer to her i guess?" i was now glaring at him. "Why her?! There are other girls!" he sighed "I don't know Lauren, i just do. She's beautiful" i took deep breath "She's off limits Brad, she's fucking mine you hear me?!" he shrug "I'll try and steal her away from you though" he said then ran away. My jaw dropped and punched the bus, i was so fucking furious. Can i rip his head off? Please? 

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