Chapter 16

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Your POV

The tour has now started and we arrived at the first destination as we unpack our things in our hotel Lauren has been whining because she wanted to cuddle with me since she's still sleepy. We got to our room and the first thing Lauren did was she carried me and then threw me on the king sized bed and cuddled to my chest. "Mmm...sleep" she mumble then hugged me tight, i sigh and comb her hair "Baby you have your sound check and then you girls will be practicing on stage" i said as she whine once again. "I'm tired and that's still ini like 11 am it's still 10:30 am" i smile and kissed her forehead. "Okay, i'll let you sleep for thirty minutes then. Sounds good darling?" she nodded and smiled at me cutely, i peck her nose and she scrunched it up and kiss my lips. "You're literally the best girlfriend ever" she mumble against our lips then she fell asleep on my chest. I smile at her and hug her "you're the best girlfriend Lolo" i mumble then got her phone and went to different apps.

I went to her messages and saw the conversation between her and Brad, i frown and opened it, well the thing is... Lauren and i don't have secrets so we let each other go to each other's messages or phones. I read their messages and i can't help but feel jealous.

Brad: Oh my gosh Lauren, are you excited for today?!

Lauren: Hell yeah! I want to meet our fans they literally make me happy. I love hearing them fan girl or boy? I don't know and like tell us stories about their lives.

Brad: Aw Lauren! I want to hug you right now.

Lauren: Aw yay hugs! By the way, i gotta go and go to the hotel with the girls and my girlfriend.

I sigh and went to her photos, i frown again as i saw pictures of her and Brad. Okay i am definitely jealous, Lauren and i will stay together no matter what right? We'll always love each other? Well i will always love Lauren though. Now that Brad is here i slightly doubt that she's still gonna love me in the future, i hope she still does and not cheat on me. I trust Lauren. When i saw it's already 11 i shook Lauren's body making her groan "5 more minutes please" she mumble i giggle "baby you have sound check, you're really busy today babe" i said she sighed "Kissy first" she mumble i smile and kissed her soft pink lips. She open her eyes revealing her beautiful light green eyes, meaning she's happy since it was light green. "I really love it when you kiss me" she said smiling at me cutely i chuckle "really? well, then i'll wake you up every morning with a kiss" her eyes then brighten up "YES PLEASE" i laughed and nodded.

"Y/N, are you okay? Your eyes is like telling me something" i look at her confused "Do you want to talk about something?" she asked worriedly, she then lift herself up with her elbows looking down at me. I sigh and avoid eye contact with her "Tell me the truth please" she said softly i nodded "It's just... i'm a little jealous of your relationship with Brad" i admitted she looked at me confused "We're not in a relationship Y/N, him and i are just friends" she said i nodded "i know, it's just i'm jealous sometimes... and it makes me doubt if you'll still love me in the future" i said frowning i look at her slowly and she was frowning too. "Baby... i will always love you no matter what. I know that we're gonna have our ups and downs soon but i believe we're going to find a way to make up" she said i nodded slowly she sat up and then pulled me to her lap. I laid on her chest as she hugs me tight "i love you Y/N, you know that right?" she whispered in my ear i nodded "yes" i mumble she placed my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek.

"And you love me right?" i nodded again "Yes of course" i said i saw her smile and that made me smile too "Then there's nothing to worry about" she said i nodded and smiled widely "i love you Lauren" i said blushing she giggle "i know nugget, i love you too! But you gotta kiss me" i laugh and kissed her soft lips. I pull away and she was smiling at me lovingly "Come on, you have to watch me shake my booty!" i laughed "I'm just gonna die Lauren" i said she look at me weirdly as she fixed her outfit. "Why?" she asked laughing i shrug "You always kill me with your sexy dance moves and your voice kills me too" she laughed and pulled me up "stop overreacting babe, i know you love seeing me shake my booty" she said winking at me. I blushed "Yeah maybe sometimes" i said she laughed and got our key "let's go" she said intertwining our fingers while she held my hand. "Just remember babe, Brad and i will only be friends okay?" she said as she swung our arms as we walk "And you and i are like the fabulous adorable couple" she said i laugh and nodded "Okay Lauren" i said she smiled and nodded.

We arrived at the arena and i was so shocked "This place is so fucking huge" i mumble "Come on nugget" she said pulling me with her, we then went to the stage. "Hey Y/N!" Ally greeted cheerfully i smiled "Hey Ally, are you excited?" she nodded "Heck yeah! i love seeing our Harmonizers" i smiled since i was one "Aw Ally" i cooed she smiled "Oh yeah! you're a fan!" i laughed "You forgot?" she chuckled "Well sorry! It's just... i see you as a friend now sometimes i forget you're a fan. The other girls forgets that you're a fan too" i smiled and hug her. "Oh girls! Before y'all practicing y'all having an interview" they nodded "Get your make up done" their manager said, and then they got their make up done. When Lauren was done i sat on her lap and hugged her "Oh hi baby" she said hugging me back, i just curled into a ball in her arms and listen to her conversation with the girls.

Lauren's POV

We're now doing the interview! And we got questions about the tour, about our album, songs then our fans then one question literally made me blush "So who is your girl crush?" the interviewer asked. "Beyonce" Dinah said flipping her hair we chuckled "Rihanna is bae" Mani said "Ari's my wife!" Camila said cheering we laughed "Um... i don't really have one. Sorry guys" Ally apologized, then they all looked at me making me blush harder. The girls smirked since they already knew, i bit my lip and smiled shyly at the camera "Lauren, looks like you've got yours" The interviewer teased i giggle "Well... i've got mine" i said blushing "Well tell us!" the interviewer said "It's Lana Del Rey!" the girls rolled their eyes making me laugh. "She's lying, don't believe her" Dinah said glaring at me i gasp "I wasn't! Lana Del Rey IS my crush but i do have a girlfriend..." i said smiling shyly at the interviewer who gasped. "Lauren Jauregui you like girls?!" i shrug "Yeah... well my girlfriend is the only girl i'm interested in" i said nodded, he smiled "Tell us her name" i bit my lip.

"Well... i don't know if she's comfortable with me saying her name in public. But i'll just say she's a fan and i met her in Miami when Camz and i came back." i explained "Aw, i wonder who this lucky fan is! And that's really rare for celebrities right? Like having feelings for their fans?" we all nodded "Yeah, it is really rare. But like when i met her, deep down inside me knew that she's the one for me." i said he smiled "But how do you know that she's not just playing you? Because you know you're famous?" i sighed "Well she told me, what she told me is that we grew friendship while we hung out when we were in Miami and at the same time she developed feelings for me as Lauren Michelle Jauregui the real me not THE Lauren Jauregui a member of the famous band Fifth Harmony. You know what i mean?" he nodded smiling "Yeah, and i knew she was honest because i can see it in her eyes and the way she acts. By the way, i love how she acts around me and around others... well her personality. She's really adorable" i said smiling widely giving a thumbs up. "Lauren and... her girlfriend are goals man" Camila said the other girls nodded agreeing with her.

"Well! I'm really excited to meet this mystery girlfriend of Lauren Jauregui" i laughed and nodded "I'll ask her if it's okay to tell you and the viewers" i said he nodded "Can you ask now? please? Actually bring her here!" i laughed "You really want to meet her don't you?" the girls laughed and he nodded. I smile "Okay, i'll go find her" i said standing up then i walk to the dressing room, i found Y/N sitting on the couch on her phone. "Hey? Is the interview done?" she asked i smiled "Not yet, but um the interviewer wants to meet you and i was wondering if you want the viewers or the fans to see you" she smiles shyly "Okay" i smiled widely "Yes! Okay come on!" she stood up and then i held her hand and we walk back to the girls. When we got there the interviewer gasped and smiled at Y/N. I sat on my chair and pulled Y/N on my lap "So, this is my girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N" i said cheerfully then i kissed her cheek "Hi" Y/N said shyly "HEY Y/N!" the girls greeted loudly making Y/N giggle.

"Wow, just wow! You're gorgeous Y/N! Now we know Lauren Jauregui's girlfriend!" we laughed and then Y/N waved at the camera, then the interviewer asked her a few questions and she shyly answered them. I couldn't help but hug her tight since she was fucking adorable. Ugh I'm a lucky girlfriend!

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